My Weird Stories 2 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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THE NEW TV.       Copyright P. Audcent 2014


Well the world is now full of TV's, Mobile phones, tablets and computers. Where will it all end? So you wanted a bit of horror for once?


Well I do have an alarm radio to wake me in the mornings but a friend of mine, one Robert Reynolds had a very queer story to tell me. It was like this, he is a little bit straight laced and does not like to be woken with a blast of ultra modern music. So I told him just to change the channel on his alarm radio.


“But there is nothing else on besides constant chatter about absolutely nothing important I think these radio commentators love the sound of there own voices. So I've decided to get me a new television for the bedroom.”


“Well you will find they just chatter just the same on TV at that time of the morning or they have continuous adverts selling pots and pans or healthy exercise routines and other stuff, I wouldn't bother if I was you and save your money”


“Well darn it at least I can see real live pictures as they speak and might even get a good weather forecast to boot!”


“You can get up and look out the window for weather and its the real thing not a prognostic.”


Well did Robert take any notice to what I said? No, his wife Gill thought the same but she had an ulterior motive I felt, as she wanted her husband to buy them one of those modern food processors instead. Well I was not getting involved with any internal bickering so left them a bottle of wine and went home to the flat and the cat.

A few weeks went by, as I had been on a trip overseas for my Company, so as soon as I was back I pressed my answer phone to see if there were messages. There were, and what's more mostly from Robert and a couple from Gill. Roberts started quite tamely and then day after day became quite erratic and demanding. Gills were more frightening and begged me over as soon as I had returned. My cat was still at the cattery so I left a message that I would pick her up next day. Then off I went to Roberts and Gills to see what all the fuss was about.


I rang their bell and was immediately dragged in by an irate and frightened pair. Robert sat me down and Gill put a glass of wine in my hand.


“You'll need that.” she said.


I looked at them both carefully and without a word of a lie they had both aged dramatically.


“Well I said I'm here what the devils going on, you both look absolutely washed out, you have been sleeping properly?”


“No “came the reply in unison.


“Its that's blasted TV Robert bought it has no proper channels its all so terrifying, frightful, Paul its driving us out of our minds!”


“No pleasant weather forecaster?” said I with a glimmer of a smile.


But there was no smart reply just a stream of tears from Gill.


“Robert and I want you to look at the TV for us there are things I have to tell you, if we go to bed and watch a late night program its fine. So we set the same program on so in the morning it will come on again.”


I nodded.


“ Well it does not, some fearful program is on instead. You mentioned the devil and I am positively sure he or she or it was on that morning program a dozen times.”


“TV's have on off switches couldn't at least one of you get out of bed and switch the dame thing off.”


Robert joined the conversation, he really looked bad, he normally was a smart dresser but today he was weary and unkempt in scruffy clothes.


“Paul we got the shop people a week ago and they could not find anything wrong so they charged us for wasting their time. What we need is someone to separately ascertain what we are seeing.”


“Well you are both suffering some bad vibes so get your gear and you are staying with me tonight. I have to sign in to work tomorrow then pick up Fliss from the Cattery. Then you stay at my place for a second night and Fliss and I will stay at you place, I'll make sure she does not damage any of your special pieces of china, agreed?”


“Well yes,” Gill said “but you will be alone by yourself,  we found those morning broadcasts really frightening .”


“Well I will have Fliss to keep me company Gill, I guess I will be alright but I will set up a camcorder just in case anything happens and I disappear in a cloud of smoke!”


So the next afternoon I picked my Fliss up and apologised to the Cattery people for the lateness of my return and asked how she had been whilst I was away.”


“Well of course she missed you most cats do miss their owners but she has been an absolute angel.”


So then with Roberts house key in my hand I headed for their home.


“Now listen Fliss no jumping up at that precious china of Gills you hear. “


I took a tin of cat food and emptied it into one of Gills saucers. I filled a bowl with water for her to drink, had a shower, set the TV alarm to wake me at 7.30 am and with the camcorder balanced on a bedside table then nestled down to sleep.


Yes the TV was suddenly on with the sun was shining through the windows and suddenly the screen was filled with a vision of the most horrible face I had ever seen then it began to laugh historically and a fiery finger came up and pointed at me, and the vision screamed an unearthly scream as Fliss jumped up upon the bed and spat and growled and spat again. The figure melted before our eyes and disappeared. Fliss came up to my shocked face and gently wiped her whiskers against my nose. I sneezed and then remember I had not switched the camcorder on!


“Thank you Fliss” I said as I gently lifted her off the bed.”I guess breakfast is in order for us both.”


I showered, dressed and drove back home with Fliss, Robert had gone to work and Gill was up making coffee.


“Well”she said “ Robert and I were frightened for you Paul, did you see what we were talking about?’


I nodded, “but I am sorry I forgot to turn the camcorder on so there is no evidence.”

“But you did see the awful spectre we talked about.”


“Well yes, just for a second or two, but Fliss chased it away. I turned the TV off reset the alarm five minutes and watched it when the alarm started again, a perfectly normal program came. My suggestion is get a cat if it happens again, but believe me the sight of that poor spectre after Fliss appeared on the scene with barred teeth and a terrible growling hissing noise made me think you've have seen the last of that particular program. Oh here's Roberts key and no breakages Gill, so I'll leave my little girl with you, she likes to sleep on that cushion over there, she has had an adventurous morning. I'll pop in tomorrow to see you at your place. Oh by the way, so get yourself a little female cat they are worth their weight in gold if you see what I mean.”

