My Weird Stories 2 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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THE FIRE BAN.       Copyright  P.Audcent 2014


The weather had been predicted to be hot and people were asked to prepare their evacuation plans or to prepare their land and their houses if they were staying to fight any blaze that came their way. On the Thursday the temperature started to rise but fell early evening. The forecast was for a sustained increase rising to its maximum forty centigrade on the Sunday and that's when the Cleary boys decided on their plan to eradicate the Perols from the area.  The Petrol's were a few hundred yards up the road and Stephen Cleary clapped his hands in glee for Richard his elder brother told him that fire races up a slope whereas on a downward slope it takes its time unless blasted by the wind. The two boys prepared their attack, whilst those neighbours around who planned their evacuation, set about packing and keeping their cases close by in case they had to quit and run. Cars were stocked with photo albums blankets and clothes and with those so important documents and jewellery.


The Dermits packed all their computers tablets and various electronics. The Johnsons packed their flat screen TV and the computer back up hard drive together with the software discs, then the various game play hardware, both families had made a decision to drive away from the cul-de-sac neighbourhood and get to the nearest town should the police advise house holders to get out.


Fred Cummins was an old volunteer fire-fighter now into retirement and he set about clearing as much bush as he could from around the house. Years ago he had built a circular gravel driveway around his home and shed, no trees overlapped the area and he had installed wire grating right along the roof guttering. Fred kept his portable  radio switched on the Saturday as he walked around his property surveying any possible problem points. He then went over to the Perols family home to see if they needed a hand with their preparation. The Perols had decided to stay, so they told Fred, and they were going to isolate the house as well as they could.


Fred mentioned they had a green lawn two thirds around the property which they should mow and clean up the clippings. Dad Perols said the grass was green and would not burn but Fred stuck to his guns and went to fetch his ride on mower with a capture unit attached whilst his neighbours tackled other jobs around the home. The news that night was not good and there would be a complete fire ban on the Sunday and that meant no outside drilling are welding or BBQ's  and absolutely no open fires  at all.Whilst Fred was having his tea and listening to the news he decided his dog and cat had to sleep in the big utility van in the morning just in case he had to leave in a hurry. But next door the Cleary boys were making their plans for the coming day.


The Sunday dawned bright and warm, Mr and Mrs Cleary woke earlier than usual and during the night they had made the decision to drive out early to Mr Clearys mother in the city. They packed a suitcase and called the boys up but there was no reply so they peered into the bedroom and both beds were empty. Mr Cleary looked outside in the back yard where normally they took Jake, their puppy, out for a play. There was no sign of the boys or Jake. They went inside and had a full breakfast by themselves, they wondered where they were but Mrs Cleary packed their school bags with a change of clothes plus an X box they played and their two tablets. Mr Cleary called from the back door loudly this time. He need not have bother, the boys and Jake were snaking their way though the woodland below Fred's land.


Fred had been up early and had a cup of coffee on the bench beside him and his binoculars to his eyes. He wondered what they were up to on a day like today. Maybe just an early walk but they soon passed out of sight up towards the Perols horse rental  property. There where no horses in the large padlock, they had been moved the previous week as the grass was now brown and dry. Something stirred within Freds mind, he remembered a grass fire up in the hills, similar conditions. He checked the wind conditions with his licked finger, once a Firie always a Firie. The breeze was freshening giving some relief to the locals and then he saw it, a tiny burst of flame, hardy any smoke, right at the bottom of the Perols paddock. Quick as a flash he reached his phone and rang the local brigade.


“Its Fred Cummins, Perols place, a fire in the paddock I saw children down close to it I am going to get them out.” The call was acknowledged Fred carried on putting his old fire overalls and hat on then as he walked down to woodland he heard the Brigade alarm blast across the fields.  Always aware of the conditions he looked around constantly, the fire was raging and spreading and it was going upwards towards the Petols building, then he spotted two young faces coming out of the trees heading toward the Clearys, when the wind veered and bits of leaves and ash started to fly in the air and whirl about then dove down ahead of the boys.


“Stop there you boys go back to where the fire has already been you will safe there”

“It will be hot there we are going forward.”


“No” yelled Fred, “Go back its already caught and so will you be, go back whilst you can.”


Fred's mind racing, in the brigade it was always look after people and animals before anything else. The living before the dead was the maxim, so he headed across his land towards the boys now obviously frightened out of their minds until another wind gust blew more embers behind the lads, now cutting off any chance of escape, the only sound was the deafening roar of grass and trees catching alight and two boys trapped in an ever degreasing circle of fire. Fred jumped and stamped as he raced to the children, both now in terror of what they had done. He reached them and quickly looked around, one of the boys held a puppy in his arms. Then Fred decided to act. He took the puppy and laid it carefully on the ground just as he heard the Brigade engine in the distance. Catching the eldest by the arm and and leg he told them he was going to swing them over onto the burnt grass and then told them to run for home. He flung the eldest over the flames. 'Now catch you brother' he yelled and did the same to the lighter one. He again yelled for them to catch their dog and he picked up the puppy and like a weight thrower, balanced the pup in his hands and ejected the pup over the circle of flames. Having caught their puppy the Clearys raced for home where their anxious parents guided them quickly into the car and off they went just missing the fire engine as it came round the bend heading for the fire ground.


They never did discover how that fire had started or who was to blame. Fred alas had not survived, the extra effort to swing the lads clear had caused a heart attack and he had fallen and been surrounded by the fire, he could not be easy seen to be rescued.  Most of the grassland had suffered including the Clearys so there was no trail though the grass leading to the Cleary back door. The enquiry later laid the suspicion on Fred as they found him eventually, him with his fire overalls on. The common thought was he was out to prove himself as a capable Firie and they were wrong to retire him. The Cleary boys of course said not a word. Luckily the Brigade chief checked Fred's car and found his pets. They were watered and fed, and eventually adopted by the Petrols.

