My Weird Stories 3 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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The Professional killer.                                Copy-write P. J. Audcent 2014


There was a sudden glint of light behind the frosted glass and his hand stiffened on the trigger, but relaxed immediately when he screwed his eye to the scope, an adult had entered but below him or her was a child. The adult bent and lifted the child up to the basin. He had lain here covered by a green poly sheet for four hours and cramp was setting in. He raised each leg one after the other and stretched as quietly as he could.

A normal person by this time would be bored but Fleet knew about boredom and its possible affect so he stayed alert and thought only of the service and commitment. Next he moved his arm carefully away from the weapon and stretched that as well. He checked the scope and the child was washing its face and suddenly splashed both hands into the basin. A faint screech of laughter came followed by a sharp report as a fathers hand slapped his son. A cloth was handed to the young one and apparently thrown down then both  left the bathroom. Then Fleet continued watching through the scope, as you never knew when the opportunity could occur.


He stretched his other arm slowly and continued watching as the child came back into the room and bent down, perhaps to retrieve the fallen towel. Or maybe it was its clothes as he saw the kid throw it over the shoulders and march out. But that was interesting, as the child did have a military bearing. Now I wonder who taught him that, how to almost march like that and swinging the arms. Fleet searched in his warm coat and pulled out a bottle of juice which he clenched with his teeth and sucked the liquid greedily, he put it back.

This was definitely the address, some way out of town and patrolled by security around the ample garden brimming with tropical trees and shrubs. It was one of the shrubs he lay behind after quietly manoeuvring through the steel link fence on hands and knees. He rested his finger back to the trigger as he saw a shadow of the bathroom door open and re-sighted the cross hairs but it seemed to be a small shadow, a woman of sorts perhaps the wife or the mother, both lived here with the commander, he was thoroughly briefed. So he relaxed. When the shot was made he realised the guards would have to be disposed of so a second rifle with a multiple cartridge case attached lay beside him resting on the black case that eventually would hold both rifles. He then felt a movement on the lower end of the dark green poly sheet that covered his body so he stayed absolutely still. A lizard or some such perhaps seeking his warmth, but as the minutes tick by it seemed to get heavier, God forbid a snake he prayed.  Suddenly through the undergrowth behind him he heard  faint steps so he quietly moved his hand to his inside pocket and removed a pistol with its snub nosed silencer. Still with his eye firmly on the target window he held the pistol close to his chin and stopped. The footsteps came louder and stopped behind him. Then a rush by an unseen force grabbed him from behind followed by a scream of horror as the snake bit deep into the assailants hand. As Fleet turned he saw the guard smiting the large black snake away from the hand but Fleet shot both the snake and the man in two quick shots.

The light went out and the shadow went but it was followed by re-lighting and the large figure of the adult male was going to the window which was swiftly opened a brief shout for the guards around the house to check so Fleet  quickly pulled the cross hairs to where the adult stood and gently pulled the trigger. There was a quite putt report and a sharp tug on his shoulder. He watched the scope and reloaded automatically just in case. The figure had slumped over the window sill, Fleet spotted a guard with his eyes almost upon his position, he moved the sight, surveyed the scene for others, but only this one so he pulled the trigger again. Quickly dismantling the rifle and packing it into the case carefully. He had no idea how long he had so he pushed the button on his throat mike and clicked his tongue twice, then grabbing the case quickly and snatched the automatic rifle, he scurried  away towards the hole in the fence. He could hear other guards in the distance but they all seemed to race into the house rather than after him so now out of clear sight he ran for the fence noting the small sticks he had pushed into the ground as markers for a quick exit along his entry route.  He heard the barking of dogs but he had found the clipped hole and threw the case through. His boss was there waiting and both then sealed up the hole with wire, at least that would stop any dog. Still holding his automatic rifle he got into the Land-Rover, the case he jammed beneath his feet whilst  the boss let go of the hand brake and let it drift slowly down the slope with ever increasing speed until the road eventually flattened out, then he gunned the engine and they fled the scene. 




