My Weird Stories 3 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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THE PRONG.                                                     Copyright P Audcent 2014

Tired of thieves, then how about this?

Jonny Johnson was a thief, and had been ever since he was wheeled around a supermarket by his Mum. He would lean out of the trolley and snatch at various objects as he sailed past.  Invariably his mama would view this with a baleful glance and grab back the offending item and return it to the shelves or give it back at the checkout so the staff had to return the items. But one day Jonny's big sister Rosie took him around and her eye was directed at more interesting things so she missed young Jonny shovelling sweets, razor blades anything he could grab into his jumper. Well that was the start of his troubles and it continued right up through school. His angelic smiling face always got him free from a sharp slap or a belting from those he stole from. He, as a teenager found bicycles to his liking, and earned a regular income stealing from the school compound and selling them cheaply on the open market, mainly to kids like himself with an aptitude for dishonesty, they knew where the bikes came from but their eagerness, to own an almost brand spanking new one, overcame any caution that parents might eventually cotton on that pocket money could not have bought such glowing transport.

And so Jonny reached manhood and because he was a gifted child his parents found him a position with a local solicitor where he trained in law at college. He soon got bored but as it happened young Jimmy Crystal also joined the firm and naturally both lads got on like a house on fire. Well that's what they did in the evenings, go out on their bicycles and look for empty houses. Soon they got bored lighting up peoples property and one fine day over an outdoor lunch they hit on car jacking as being a more profitable adventure, firing up homes may have been fun but there was absolutely no profit in it.

The first few cars they stole they sold to a car merchant who turned a blind eye to obvious forged papers which the two scoundrels designed in the solicitors office using their profession as a means of extracting official information. However the community sat up and took notice as the car thefts increased, so the lads had to find alternative sources to sell them and that meant driving further afield. One night they had just dropped their latest theft, as they were leaving they came around a bend and discovered the most unbelievable car parked outside  a small villa. They stopped and Jonny the expert nipped across the road and discovered the owner had left his car keys on the seat, so he signalled to Jimmy and dropped inside. This car smelt of fresh new leather and it had all the bells and whistles of the latest model. So he quickly inserted the key that flashed up all the interior lights including a smart red start button which he pressed. A voice growled out  from the audio speaker asking 'where to'?

'Oh great, its obviously needing directions for its GPS system, this will fetch us a deal of money unless we decide to keep it for ourselves. 'Go to Mortlake Crescent.' he yelled.

There was a sudden whoosh from under the steering wheel a metal prong hit him straight in the stomach. Jimmy could see smoke coming out of Jonny's widow so he drove quickly off.  They found Jonny dead as a dodo an hour later and the cars batteries completely dead as well. Wonderful things these new electric cars!
