My Weird Stories 3 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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The secret recipe.                                       Copy-write P. Audcent 2014


I suppose like so many mums, my Mother had a secret recipe handed down to all her sisters and herself by my grandmother. This little story is not about that, but it was the basis of an idea for a story, so here goes.


Daisy Leeman was given this very special recipe for a Danish tart by her mother Florence who had it from her grandmother and so on. It was a tart her mother always baked for Christmas and was heartily devoured by the family on that special day. Whilst Florence was making the tart none of the males in the family were allowed in the kitchen and Daisy was posted at the door to ensure not one male foot entered whilst the preparation was laid out on the table and Florence's work commenced. She was always aided by her daughters who learnt the method by watching, no notes were made, it was all taken into memory. Now Daisy being the youngest had to wait several years until the eldest sibling had a child daughter and it was she who grew up to be custodian of the kitchen door. At last Daisy was able to help her mother and learn the secret of the Danish tart.


Some years later after she had married, her husband took her out to dinner at a very expensive restaurant and for pudding they had selected a French tart which turned out to be the exact replica of  the secret Danish tart Florence had taught her daughters. Daisy was flabbergasted to say the least, and weird thoughts began to circulate through her brain, which of the sisters had sold this secret recipe or was it one of the cousins? So she asked her husband to ask the Chef about the pudding, so a waiter was called and instructed if he would ask Chef to come if possible. Chef came and immediately asked if their meal had been poor, both shook their heads and said it was delightful. Then Daisy told him about the French tart being exactly like her mothers secret recipe and how had he acquired the tart?


'Well its a long story but we had a couple in here some years ago and alas having eaten a meal to celebrate a golden wedding the husband discovered he had forgotten his wallet so his wife volunteered to to cook a special exquisite desert in our kitchen.

So I agreed, and she put a piny on and raiding our fridge she commenced work. At first I left her entirely alone as to be honest she had waved me away. But that only stirred me to watch from a distance and make notes in my little notebook. I remember she made and baked four tarts and later we divided them up and invited the customers in the room to partake. Well you can imagine the compliments that came back to the kitchen and the increased tips that were left, more than paid for the meal this lady and husband had owed. So we shook hands, she would not tell me the name of the tart so I named it after the French.'

'Well I never' said Daisy, 'but that's a relief I believe I know the couple who could not pay. To be honest I thought it might had been my siblings!'

'If it was secret I would like to keep it please, so I will only serve it in this place because it brings the customers in regularly, So your meal today is on the house. May I ask have you any secret recipes at home?'       ----------