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“Once, a butterfly was an ugly cocoon.”

The chopper landed in one of the empty grounds at Posta, Kigamboni. Two male and two female figures could be seen despite the darkness. It was 0200 hours and they docked in the fast boat that was waiting for them.

“Make sure you equip well with everything that you might need, once we dock out of the boat, we’ll have to enter the Mlola forest where the last signal was detected," Alexander instructed and the three figures equipped with what they needed.

“I’ll let you off here. They might hear the sound of the engine if they are close enough." Agent Snake who was the captain of the fast boat uttered the first sentence since the journey began.

“It’s good they don’t detect our movement. Everyone, jump in the water, and let’s meet at the beach that leads us to Mlola forest,” Alexander said, preparing to jump in the cold ocean water.

“Wait...” Zeros William uttered. “I think we might need this too.” He said, in his hand holding a sniper rifle.

“Can you use it?” Anastasia queried.

“I can but not as good as you,” Zeros added. “I’ll just be your right-hand man, reading the coordinates for you so you can take 11



the shots," Zeros mentioned and Anastasia nodded snatching the rifle from Zeros’ hands.

Irene was the first to dive into the cold water. The sound of a body hitting the water's surface was heard. Then Alexander followed and the last two sounds of water being hit sounded.

Agent Snake, whose real name wasn’t known, left at high speed as he sped over the water. It took them fifteen minutes to reach the beach as they were a hundred meters away from the land.

“Hope everyone is here?” Alexander said as he counterchecked his team.

“It’s not dangerous at the beach compared to the forest. The forest is supposed to have dangerous animals nevertheless humans. So, get ready. Sense your surroundings before you react," Alexander added. “We’ll not use our real names here.

I’m Agent Wolf as you’ve heard.”

“Agent Butterfly,” Anastasia uttered.

“Zeros,” Zeros William mentioned.

"Isn't that your real name?” Irene asked for the first time since the assignment began.

“Hope you were not briefed. It’s my agent’s name,” Zeros mumbled.

“Okay, I’m agent eagle.” She said, “We’ve to try not to scare the bats on this island. They are so deadly and devious. I heard.”



“I’m not scared of bats but John the Baptist is creeping me out,” Anastasia said as she held securely on her sniper rifle, Zeros behind her using binoculars to assess what was ahead of them.

Alexander was at the back making sure no one was following their track. They walked for thirty minutes without meeting or seeing anyone. They all wore masks that hid their face.

“Is this forest inhabited? Why can’t we find even an owl?”

Zeros said as he was busy assessing the surroundings.

“There is something ahead of us! This is where we received Gustav's phone signals. It's about five minutes but there seems to be an annex there." Agent Butterfly used her index finger to show the building that was flickering with light.

“They are doing a night watch that’s why the light is flickering from that sodium lamp," Agent Wolf said. "We need to take the east side to escape from facing them head-on."

"Sometimes it's best to attack as a coward than to be a hero and die with pee between your legs,” Anastasia said as she used her flexible body to climb a stone that was blocking the way to the east side of the annex.

“Who taught you that, butterfly?” Zeros asked, mockingly.

“I won’t tell you since your brain is filled with zeros, so you won’t understand," Agent Butterfly said.

Zeros scoffed. “Okay, hope you’ll tell me when the time is right. Right?”




“Maybe," Agent Butterfly replied as she pulled the trigger shooting a man that was on the watch tower with her best sniper skills.

Alexander saw what Agent Butterfly did. He couldn’t say a thing as he knew what she did could help them alas destroy them.

“Run, run…” Alexander shouted and two silhouettes followed behind him entering the annex. Agent Butterfly was on the rock shooting her targets down.

The guards who were on the night shift saw the man who was supposed to observe the surroundings stop what he was supposed to do. They climbed the tower and what they were seeing shocked them.

“There is an attack...” One of the guards who was wearing military combat shouted beyond the capacity of his lungs.

“We have been attacked… I repeat we have been attacked…”

Another guard used the communication device to alert others who were underground in the building.

“Prepare an escape root for the dragon," the guard said, as he seemed to be one of the top guards because orders were easily coordinated from him.


Inside the annex, John the Baptist, whose other name was known as Dragon was sitting in his throne-like chair, his arm resting on the armchair made with lion skin.



“Your time to die has come. It seems like you’re more important than I thought,” John the Baptist said as he raised from his seat and pressed a rock that was under his feet.

The door-like wall moved and an opening could be seen.

“I’ll take you with me, they won’t see traces of your remains,”

John the Baptist uttered as wrinkles emojis covered his face.

“Where is Kelvin? I want to talk with him,” Gustav asked but a heavy blow landed on his back causing him to black out.

“Who gave you permission to ask questions, son of the b***,"

The guard who was behind Gustav bellowed as he carried him on his shoulders following John the Baptist to the secret escape door.

“Who is this friend of yours? Do you know his identity?” John the Baptist asked the moment his eyes landed on Kelvin.

“What do you mean Uncle John?” Kelvin asked worriedly.

“We’ve been attacked and I think it’s the police," Uncle John said. “No one has managed to know our hideout for a long time, who are they?”

“It can’t be the police, uncle. You know they are afraid of you and remember you’ve them under control. They can’t do stupid things like this,” Kelvin mentioned.

“If not police, who are they?” John the Baptist asked.

“I don’t know, uncle. Maybe we should wake him, he might know something,” Kelvin proposed.




“He won’t wake up now, we should take the fast boat first and escape from here,” the guard proposed.

“Okay, let’s hurry up and leave. We’ll know once we get there,”

John the Baptist said.


“Agent wolf... there is some movement on the east side toward the Indian Ocean, I repeat... there is movement on the east side of the ocean, and I see three figures," Agent Butterfly sent the information using the communication device.

“We’ve cleared the underground... we’re heading there take them down before they escape to the sea," Agent Wolf commanded.

“Roger that captain," Agent Butterfly replied as she used the high terrain of the rock to observe any movement going on down the beach.

“There is someone who seems to be carried by one of the three people,” Agent Butterfly said over the communication device.

“Permission to engage... I repeat permission to engage," Agent Butterfly pleaded.

“Kill the three, the one carried might be Gustav, don’t hurt him," Agent Wolf commanded. “We’re heading there,” He added.

Using her sharp reflexes, she moved to another rock that was near the previous rock. And shot one of the guard’s legs.

“Oohchaaaagh,” the guard screamed, dropping Gustav like a sack on the beach sand.



The man was shot in the head and his screams stopped. The man was dead. This shocked John the Baptist and Kelvin who were about to dock in the fast boat.

“I’m going to die uncle. I’m afraid,” Kelvin cried.

“Get in if you don’t want to die,” Uncle John the Baptist said hurriedly.

Before he could step foot on the boat, Kelvin was shot in the head. He died there on the spot. Red blood gushed out of his head painting the boat red. Without wasting any more time John the Baptist sped across the water leaving streams of water behind.

“Take him down before he reaches the open area," Agent Wolf commanded the moment they reached the beach.

Zeros, who was holding the rocket ranger, aimed for the moving fast boat rocking his target. Soon fire could be seen as the boat burnt.

“If you survive this, then I’ll call you John the Baptist,” Zeros mumbled.

Irene checked the purses of Gustav who was unconscious and made sure he was okay.

“He has no external injuries,” Irene reported.

“That’s good. Take good care of him while I make sure the bastard is dead. Hope the one who died is the one who messed with the country,” Alexander said.




Agent Butterfly cleared the annex and no moving guard could be seen. Only the corpses lay on the beach sand.

It seems like they weren’t as many as we had expected. But wait something is wrong, I need to report this. Agent Butterfly thought. “Captain, I smell something. It’s the smell of Sulphur being burnt. And it’s coming your way. Jump into the water or you’ll be burnt alive. It's a homemade bomb. Three men are coming your way and it's too late. I will slow them down—”

Boom… Boom… Boom. Three loud explosions were heard simultaneously.

Irene who was attending Gustav was thrown to the rock that was on the beach and fainted. Gustav was covered in flames from the blasts as Zeros and Alexander jumped into the ocean.