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“You cannot give kids, the adults toys to play with.”

Two days ago.

Sabrina Michael’s phone rang. She peeked at the screen and Zero's name could be seen.

“He is so fast,” Sabrina said. She lowered the syringe that was in her hand as she listened to the caller.

“I’ve found him. Someone seems to have picked up the phone but he is not saying anything. This means that he is in danger as he can’t talk,” Zeros said.

“Where is he now? Is he okay?” Sabrina Michael, who was in the blink of death, felt that she had pushed his friend into the lion's den. “I’m coming where you are, tell me where I should find you. I’ll help you find him,” Sabrina said, worriedly.

"Let's meet near the TALGWU building. You’ll find me there,”

Zeros William said.


“So, you think you’re cleverer than us?” One of the silhouettes that was seating near the throne-like chair with the armrest made of lion skin mumbled. “This is an underground cave.

They can’t trace the call that lasted for not long. So, they can’t find where the signal originated,” The man said as he crushed Gustav’s phone with his boots.




“Uncle John, we need to get out of here. I don’t think we’ll be okay. We need to change the hiding place,” Kelvin proposed.

“I don’t think so. Those dogs are tied with my leash, so you don't have to worry even if they know they will still bark in the wrong direction." Uncle John the Baptist said proudly as no worries could be seen in his eyes.

“It seems like you are not disturbed despite the high possibility of those dogs cutting the leash that you hold dearly in your hand,” Kelvin said as he climbed the stairs that was leading out of the underground cave. “I’ll have to postpone my revenge.

Let me clear my head with this first.”

Kelvin took a piece of paper that was tied with weeds and smoked the homemade cigarette. “Ooh! This is what I wanted from the start, f** you, Gustav. Your blood will not be under my hands. Uncle John the Baptist will take care of you,” Kelvin said as he went near the beach enjoying the sunset.

He took the gun that was behind his back and started caressing it slowly. He was enjoying himself as the weed on his hand decreased. His head started to spin without thinking he cocked the gun and shot the empty sky endlessly as the sun hid behind the ocean’s horizon escaping the crazed mind of the young man.

The sound of the shooting resonated in the sky and three guards of John the Baptist appeared on the beach. One snatched the gun from his hand and a heavy fist landed on Kelvin's scary face.



“This isn’t a toy for you to play with any way you want,” the guard said as wrinkles that made his face angry covered his face.

“He is just high, take him to the underground cave,” another guard mumbled.

A heavy fist took Kelvin by surprise and he blacked out.

“You can’t give kids the adults toys to play with,” the guard added as they left the beach.


Zeros and Sabrina met at the TALGWU building located near the national stadium.

“Where is Gustav, Zeros?” Sabrina Michael asked worriedly as fear could be seen in her magenta-like eyes.

"He is suspected to be in a mafia island. I've already reported that he is lost, so, they will be searching for him. I’ll give you an update, they want me to help the search team,” Zeros mentioned.

“Please Zeros, I want to go too. If I don’t go, I’ll not see the light of another day. Let me come with you,” Sabrina pleaded.

“No, I won’t allow that,” Zeros shook his head vehemently, rejecting her request.

“I’ll send someone to give you company while I’m away. So, you don’t have to get any terrible ideas. For what happened 21



yesterday, I would have not been shocked to hear that you’ve made terrible choices that could ruin your life but seeing you’re healthy, you are indeed a strong woman. Hang in there, I’ll get Gustav back to you,” Zeros said artistically making sure Sabrina got no terrible ideas about how he said he’ll bring Gustav to her.

But Sabrina wasn’t a fool, she knew what Zeros was saying.

She gasped for some air before saying her last words.

“Tell him that I love him when you see him. It has been long since I knew he had feelings for me. And tell him I’m sorry,"

Sabrina said as tears could be seen flowing down her chocolate-like cheeks.

“Keep the words to yourself for now. I’ll make sure to bring him back safe and sound as I promised. For the time being, do not show yourself to other people. And after all, we are all humans. We sometimes make mistakes. So, this is just like a storm in a teacup, it will pass and you’ll forget,” Zeros said as wisdom flowed between his lips.

“I have to go now. Time is of the essence. Don't call me, I’ll call you once we find him, okay?” Zeros added as he left the restaurant and entered the black SUV SEDAN that was parked outside the restaurant.



Back at the ruined beach where explosions occurred, two bodies could be seen lying motionlessly on the ground. Torn limbs laid on the beach sand, painting the white sand red.



Agent Butterfly stood on the rock as she shook her head vigorously.

“No… they can’t be dead," Agent Butterfly bellowed loudly as she used her reflexes once again, and within a minute, she was running on the beach sand passing trees that were so scattered.

The moment she reached the beach she could see a massacre that made her puke what she ate that day. Her eyes started to well up, thinking that the torn body parts could be those from her friends.

“Oosh!! I’ve been hit by something, what’s this?” Zeros, who was under the water, rose and held a hand that fell on him when he was under the water. “Mmh! what’s this, have I lost my hand from the explosion? But how can I hold this if I lost my hand?

Shit, I’m losing my mind,” Zeros bellowed.

“The hand isn’t yours," He heard a voice behind him, he could see Agent Wolf shaking his head vigorously and using his hand to get rid of the water that was obstructing his vision.

“Go to the beach and see if they are fine. I’ll head to the spot where the boat exploded. I need to make sure if he is already dead or still alive," Agent Wolf commanded as he dived into the cold ocean water heading in the west direction of the ocean that was painted red with burning fuel from the boat.

Hurriedly, Zeros was on the sand beach. He ran to where the explosions were centered. He could see Gustav lying there motionlessly.

“No… you can’t be dead,” Zeros exclaimed as he ran to feel his breaths.




“Ouch! Thanks to God he's alive,” Zeros gazed around, “I can't see Agent Eagle. Where is she?”

Zeros moved Gustav out of the explosion zone and entered one of the caves that were on the beach. He ran back to the center of the explosion, searching for Agent Eagle. He could see her lying near the rock. Her back pressed against it.

“Irene…” Zeros called as he shook her vigorously to wake her but with no success. She was unconscious. He was so worried that he forgot the protocol of calling real names when in field assignment. But alas who cared? He was alone and he couldn’t think right at the moment.

“Is everyone okay?” Agent Butterfly’s voice resounded as the land breeze took her sound to Mlola forest.

“No, she isn’t breathing. Go and assist Gustav, he is over there,” Zeros stretched his index finger to the cave.

Agent Butterfly could see the caring expression on Agent Zeros. Though he met him for a short moment due to the assignment, she found herself falling in love with him.

He has a soft heart too. I thought he could be a jokester only.

Agent Butterfly smiled as she ran toward the cave.


“Where do you think you’re going?” Agent Wolf asked as he threw a punch the moment he was close to John the Baptist.



Due to the injury, John the Baptist couldn’t fight much. All he could do is search for the escape path. He was definitely like the dragon. He used his legs to propel forward with great force.

The water wave helped him to escape the sight of Agent Wolf.

He used his last card, the one he had not planned to use for a long time unless he was in urgent need.

Phew!! John the Baptist vanished in this air. He was nowhere to be seen, beyond the vast Indian Ocean.