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“You cannot call a dragonfly, a dragon.”


“General, we are receiving a call from agent wolf,” one of the agents, who was sitting in front of a large computer that was displaying the image of agent wolf, reported.

“I’m coming right now,” General Makebe Mlingai answered as he put down the telephone that was in his hand.

“Have they met some mishap, why calling so early? It has been two or three hours since they left," General Makebe Mlingai thought as he left his office straight to the communication room.

“Sir, we have succeeded in rescuing the important piece of a chessboard but…" Agent Wolf paused.

“But what Alexander?” General queried.

“We’ve lost agent Eagle. And...” agent wolf paused once again.

“You’ve never failed, Alexander, what happened today? So, you’ve lost him?” General Makebe Mlingai guessed.

“I’m sorry, sir. He just vanished in this air like he was never there from the start. I don’t know what happened. I’ll come in the HQ to give you the full report," Agent Wolf added.



“Okay, hurry back right now. I’m sending agent Snake. He will be there in less than an hour,” General Makebe Mlingai said as the call was disconnected.

“Tell the casualty team to prepare the room. We’ve casualties, they will be here in about an hour,” General Makebe Mlingai instructed Agent Rhino who was standing behind him.

“Yes, sir," Agent Rhino said as she left the room hurriedly.

Losing one of our agents is like amputating the best part of the army. I’m ashamed. I need to do something first concerning Gustav, General Makebe Mlingai thought. Agent Eagle was the best in close-hand combat. When will I find the best replacement for her?

“We need to abort Gustav’s assignment. He'll not be a college student anymore. Let him discontinue the semester this year,”

General Makebe called Gustav’s handler reporting on what to do next.

"It's fine, you have the last say. But what are you planning with him?” the voice that was soft but gentle was heard on the phone speaker.

"We need to take him to Russia. We've recruits there who are in training for the replacement of dead agents. But no one is specialized in close combat. I need him to be my hands, legs, and eyes in fighting the enemy with close-handed techniques."

General Makebe Mlingai uttered.

“Okay, but we need to do this the moment he’s back to the HQ,” General Makebe added.




"Prepare the flight for him before the sun kisses the land. He'll be treated on the plane if he has got any injuries. His assignment should wait,” General Makebe instructed as he ended the call.

I'll have to call the president. Things seem to escalate the way we do not want. General clenched his fist.

He opened the safe that was in the room and took out a banner phone and called Madam President, Ariana.

Ariana was the fifteenth president of the United Republic of Tanzania. After the assassination of her son, she was committed to politics as she entered the ruling party and was elected as the fifteenth president. Consecutively, the country was handed to women, and she was the fifth one among women. The rest were men.

"We have a problem, madam president. I’m sorry to call you this late but this couldn’t wait so, I decided to call you and give you the feedback,” General Mlingai said hurriedly without taking a breath. “The important piece of a chessboard has been compromised, so I've decided to abort your mission. Though he was close to getting the man who killed your son when you were prime minister."

“Please can you talk slowly? It’s hard digesting all at once,"

Madam President Ariana said.

“I’m sorry madam president. I am just confused right now and I think we need to be prepared first before we send him again to the mission. He’ll be as good as dead if we don’t mend him the way we want. If we want a killer, we need to make him kill



before he could be killed like your son,” General sighed, “I’m sorry for saying the last part rudely but I’m worried that your revenge won’t be successful if we want him to do the work. He failed to make the girl love him. Without the girl, we’ve no way of accomplishing the assignment. I’ve looked into it. It seems the girl was having a relationship with one of the professors at the university. Professor Mkondo is his name.”

“What did you say? Professor Mkondo?” Madam President queried with concern heard in her voice.

“Do you know him?” General Mlingai asked.

“I know him very well. It seems he has not stopped his habit and he is playing with one of my cards that I’ve to use to get to him,” Madam Ariana mentioned.

“So, what do we do with him?” General Mlingai asked.

“I’ll make a call. It’s easy taking down the likes of him. Is there anything that could simplify my work?” Madam Ariana asked.

“There is. I’ll send you an encrypted document. It may feel interesting but use it well,” General Mlingai uttered.

“So, what have you decided with him?”Madam Ariana asked.

“I’ve decided to take him to Russia. I’ve lost one of the agents today and she was the only one who was best in close-to-close combat. In the process, I’ll use this chance to sharpen him so he can be brave. He was just a newbie in the field that’s why he fell in love but failed to make her love him back.”

“Let him be exposed to the real world. He’ll be the best of the best. I trust him," Madam President supported Gustav.




“Can you prepare the way for us to leave in less than an hour?

They are on their way. They will be here any minute from now,” General Mlingai uttered abruptly.

“That’s as simple as a child playing with a toy. Get ready to transfer the subject," Madam President, Ariana, commanded as she disconnected the call.

General Makebe Mlingai stood from his chair as he stretched his back which was hell-bent like an old man.

“Ouch, I think I’m getting old. I need to get a replacement ready for me soon. Hope madam president won’t have an objection in the future,” General Makebe Mlingai, who was sixty, mumbled.


About half an hour later. The sound of a chopper busied the agents who were ready for the transfer of the subject. Three agents were seen coming out of a chopper, with worries seen in their faces from miles away. They carried someone out of the chopper. The emergency casualty team received the body and they rushed Gustav to the room. He wasn’t conscious.

An emergency meeting was called on the mission alas it was half success. The casualty was reported and a send-off ceremony for agent eagle was done as her body was cremated in one of the special machines for destroying dead bodies.



“Alexander, you’re to return to Russia in an hour. The plane is ready for you to leave,” General Makebe said abruptly.

“What’s wrong, sir? It was just a glitch losing him in my sight and losing one of our agents. I’ll amend my mistake. Don’t send me to Russia before I capture John the Baptist,” Alexander uttered worriedly.

“This isn’t a punishment for the half success of the assignment.

You will have to go to that training camp of our agents with Gustav. You'll go together with his handler. He's waiting for you on the plane that the president got us. Get ready for the flight."

General Makebe Mlingai instructed.

“ASAP SIR. I’m on my way but before I leave this room, I promise you that I’ll be the one to tie the dragon the bell,”

Alexander said with passion that could be seen in his eyes.

Around 0500 hrs the plane followed the trajectory to Russia.

And it was engulfed with the morning clouded sky with almost five Tanzanian agents in it.