Never Give up on Love by Quensetta Williams - HTML preview

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6. Chapter


According to Jillian's account, the next stop was Germany, which was unexpected as the touring company wasn't initially certain they would have all the arrangements ready. She was exclaiming how excited she was since that was a destination she always wanted to travel to since she had some family there.


There was much more to the story of course, but Grace was now starting to feel light headed. She quickly excused herself from the small group of actors that were making their way towards her in search of the nearest rest room.


It seemed like an endless walk down the ornately decorated hall and marble staircase to the facilities. Once she finally was able to locate the ladies' room she practically collapsed in one of the purple velvet settees in the foyer area. It wasn't just because she could barely stand hearing Jillian's account of her exploits with her former love, but also the memories started flooding back about the time she and Alexander spent together in Paris.