Never Give up on Love by Quensetta Williams - HTML preview

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7. Chapter


The rendezvous was his idea, and they actually just ran away to Paris at the last minute. It surprised her since he could sometimes be aloof, but also unpredictable. He had a tendency to be spontaneous which was a quality that Grace could sometimes find annoying but at other times intoxicating. The memory made her realize it was one the aspects of his personality that made her fall in love with him in the first place.


They started out with a moonlight stroll over a bridge crossing the Seine. The stars twinkled in the deep blue sky, almost as if they were winking at them in approval of their passionate getaway. They would talk about everything and anything it seemed, except the one topic Grace always seemed to want to avoid, which was marriage.


She would abruptly change the subject to keep from discussing tying the knot or making a long term commitment. It's not that she didn't care deeply for Alex or was against the idea of spending her life with him, she was just afraid. Grace had a deep rooted fear of depending on anyone else for her happiness since she had been disappointed so many times before. Many indiscretions dashed her hopes of true romance whenever she thought the relationship she was in held any promise. Many men used the excuse that's how it was in show business, that people are expected to have additional boyfriends and girlfriends. She was looked at as unrealistic regarding relationships when she first got into the acting game years ago by many of her peers.