Norell by Kayla B - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Journey Begins


Now as we all know that time traveling doesn't exist in our time. Along with I as Merlin telling the story as it is. A young boy was wandering around the forest. He bumps into me and I noticed that he was escaping from some place. As he was a servant boy. Had I’d already known. That this same young boy, pulled a sword out from, A stone. We cannot all really say that it’s not possible that good ol’ King Arthur had pulled this sword and so it is possible as everybody all cometogether.For this battle with viking against viking.dane against dane and dragons fighting dragons. The whole collaboration is to see who wins against the bandit of the Night.

“Now my king; we’ve already had discussed this that you know that your not as good as you used to be’ said the head knight. “Hush up and go to your tent to where I had placed you, for I know what I am doing. All of the kings army had known where the bandit’s layouts were. The main thing was that they just couldn’t reach the bandit in time. The bandit is just so fast. Faster than the speeding light.

You could even tell that the king's army was very tired and exhausted. Not to mention, King Louis would have to call his good ol’ friend Merlin. Good Ol’ Merlin and the dragons in which he knew were treated and trained good. For when the king had made it back to his tent. Merlin was already there along with Arthur.

“Your highness, I mean King louise good ol’ friend of mine, how are you?” He started to chuckle and said, “ Why it is a good site to see you here in my tent.”

Merlin’s and Arthurs reply wasn’t as happy as Louise was. As they were’t quite happy.

Louise then started to look at Arthur and Merlin as they were serious about their visit.

“Wh..whh...why are you two  just looking at me like this?” Unfolding his arms, he was starting to say, “ louise I believe that it is time that you know for why that we are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!?”  Louise started to get all nervous and everything else. He couldn’t believe that Merlin and Arthur had and he might know with what they were going to say.

“Is it about my son, well we know where he’s at and all.” It’s just that we cannot catch him, shucks. “ We’ll we’ve come here to tell you and to let you know that we’ll take it from here, for you do not want to know with what he is doing and for what his plans are. “For what are his plans?” Merlin put his hand into his bag and grabbed his hat and pulled out some magic sand  and showed louise all the stuff that his own son was doing. Tormenting women, making a days night ends meet with the vikings that travel on the gargoyle’s. King louise broke everything up in the tent and had made Merlin and Arthur leave his commodores. For he was just angry with the fact that his son would do all this and know that this wasn’t the way that his son was raised.

He had broken everything in his tent.Just not had torn the tent down. He had to do something about Mandy who was put to sleep by the jewlery, he had to scold his good son to stop bringing people into the 16th century. The king had said to himself, “ I do not know with how I am going to embrace myself into this new evolution.”



( To Be Continued)

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