Norell by Kayla B - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

King Louis and the Banquet.


With the kingdom of Azklaban being involved. King Louis has his celebration in honor of his birthday and his son’s rivalry. He invites his three best friends.

D'artagnan, Porthos and Aramis and the sorcerer Merlin. He seems to know where his son is. He goes to the cardinal and he asks everybody to pray for him. While he and his army goes and finds out where the origin and the fulfilling of the stars.

By then, the cardinal had blessed King Louis and his army and gave his prayers unto God. Their journey can begin in the next couple of days. Just before King Louise went to bed, he noticed that one of the stars was going the opposite way.

The king just shook his head after his drink of water. He had put on his night gown and went onto bed. That same night the king had a dream. His dream was about the war. The war from where all his men and all the vikings and danes would come together and join each other and to unite as one. Once everybody finds out with what his own son was up to.  That two visitors would come to him in a