One Good Betrayal Deserves Another by Lee Taylor - HTML preview

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Holding Back


Kace was in high spirits. Nothing could bring him down.  

At least that's what he thought.

The wedding was a week away and so far everything was going according to plan. He was glad that Cassie had finally got over her infatuation with Ethan Hunter and he was rid of the leech sisters, and he patted himself for dodging a bullet. 

Tonight he planned to take Cassie to dinner at a fancy restaurant and charm the socks off her...actually he wanted to charm the clothes off her but she was acting so coy that his patience was beginning to wane. He had told her that he was willing to wait but now he decided that he couldn't anymore. He couldn't afford to be caught because of his indiscretions and they were going to be married soon anyway so why wait? He didn't see the point or the importance of being deprived. He had so much pent up sexual frustration that he was sure he was about to explode. He couldn't wait another day and he didn't intend to.

"I've ordered your favorite wine-"

"Oh, I'm not drinking tonight," she said as she sliced into her rib-eyes steak, smothering it in mushroom sauce before she popped it in her mouth. 


"Wine gives me a headache and it makes know..." she gripped her cutlery and shrugged her shoulders elegantly as she gave him a sheepish half-smile, then took a sip from the glass of water. 

She didn't know that's exactly what he was gunning for.  He wanted her to be all over him by the end of the night but that had only happened once and he continually cursed himself for stopping it from going any further. Maybe he could get lucky tonight...if he played his cards right.

"I'll take care of you sugar plum. You know I will." He flashed her his most alluring smile. 

"I've got an interview tomorrow. I can't afford to sabotage it." She was on to him and she wasn't going to let him win. 

"You know that you don't even need to work honey. Actually I'd prefer it if you didn't. I'm more than able to-"

"Kace...we've had this discussion before," she sighed as she leaned back in the chair. 

"I know. I know." He held up his hands in surrender. "I just wanted you to know that the offer is still on the table and it will always be."

"I don't want to be a kept woman Kace." 

The waiter came up and interrupted their conversation. "Can I interest you in dessert?"

"No thanks. Can we have the bill please?" Cassie asked hastily. 

"Of cos." The server bowed his head and left.

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Kace's face perked up. There was hope after all.

"I need to go. I have an appointment very early-"

"I thought you were coming to sleepover at my place?" His hopes were instantly crushed. but he wasn't deterred. 

"Kace...I told you that I want to wait and you said that you understand?" Cassie sighed as she massaged her temple.

"I did sugarplum. I am not suggesting that we do anything that you're not comfortable with. I just want to cuddle. That's all." He set his mouth in a pout as he led her out of the restaurant. 

As they were waiting for the chauffeur to bring the car to the front entrance, they bumped into Victoria and a companion. She told him to go ahead and stayed behind.

"Well...what do we have here?" Her face had a sinister, troubled expression; but an enigmatical smile played perpetually around her lips.   

"Victoria," Kace responded with a curt nod. 

"I can't believe this..." She sauntered over to them, a hint of a self-satisfied smirk playing across her full, pink lips. "You took him back?"

"Hi Tori," Cassie said with a stiff smile.

"You're making a mistake Cass. This guy is poison. He's going to ruin you! Just like he did to me and Scar!" She yelled as she jabbed him in the chest.

"I don't know what she's talking about!" His face was flaming red as he pushed her away from him, avoiding Cassie's inquisitive gaze.

"Kace? What's going on?" Cassie asked. Trying hard to look concerned but she really wanted to laugh. 

"Liar! Murderer!!" Victoria screamed as she lurched forward and frantically clawed at his face. 

"Victoria what's wrong with you?!" He gripped her hands and pushed her away forcefully, causing her to stumble several times before she landed on her dreary.

"Kace!" She reproached him. In her heart, she tried to despise her friend, but she now felt so sorry for her that there was no room in her soul for animosity. 

She helped Victoria to her feet and scowled at him. "That's no way to treat a woman Kay."

"I'm sorry but it was self-defense. She provoked me." He dusted himself off as he looked at her with disdain.

Fortunately, the driver pulled up just in time and no one was more relieved than Kace. "It was good to see you Vicky but we've got to go. Let's go sugar plum," he practically dragged Cassie into the car and ordered the driver to step on it.

"What was that all about?" Cassie asked, faking innocence. 

"What?" Kace played dumb. "Did you have a good time tonight?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Like I said. I have no idea what she was going on about. I told you about your friends," he ranted. "I never liked them and I never understood why you hung out with them. What do you even have in common with those tramps?" 

"Just take me home please." She shut her eyes, rubbed her forehead as if to rid herself of the drama she had just witnessed. 

"I'm sorry for ruining our night sugarplum," he reached out for her hand and kissed it.

"Please say you forgive me? I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing you're mad at me." 

"I don't like the way you treated her."

"Let's not talk about her any more okay?" he appealed earnestly. "I can't wait to make you my wife Cass. I'm literally counting down the seconds until the day it happens." He leaned forward aiming for her lips but she turned away and he got her cheek instead.

She stepped into her apartment and gave a sigh of relief as she closed the front door.

"Thank heavens that's over."

"Care to share sweetheart?" Ethan said as he stepped out of the darkness, holding a glass of wine in his hand.


He placed his glass on the counter and covered the space between them in several steps. "Did he touch you?" he asked sharply as he searched her face. "Did he hurt you?" he traced his fingers down her delicate jawline.  The dark eyes that examined Cassie revealed so much emotion. It was like watching a spark grow into a flame.

"No." She whispered. His touch was like an electric shock, forcing her heart to pound so loudly she was sure he could hear it.

The chemistry between them was undeniable. Gazing up, Cassie thought she saw something in his eyes that mirrored her own need.

She couldn't fight it anymore. She was a lost cause as far as Ethan Hunter was concerned. 

She was so beautiful it was the easiest thing in the world for Ethan to get lost in her arctic blue eyes. He had never felt such an unbridled desire for any woman. His fingers continued to trail down her arm, their eyes locked as time seemed to stand still. At his touch, a quiver ran through her, and it didn't stop there. She caught her breath, warmth crawling up her neck again. 

They couldn't stand like this staring at each other forever, someone had to make the first move and if Ethan didn't do anything soon, Cassie was more than willing to do the honors. 

"Cassandra..." he stared down at her for a few moments, as if seeking permission or some sort of confirmation.

At first, she was too stunned to respond, and then passion hit her like the fiery breath of a dragon.

Cassie wasn't sure which of them gave in first. She only knew that she needed to feel Ethan's lips pressed against hers. She needed his mouth to claim hers with the same urgency she had to draw her next breath. And then they were kissing each other passionately, and she had her fingers laced through his hair, keeping him fast, pressing against him with all the hunger a lifetime of denial could produce. She heard the sounds of passion she was making and didn't care. Nothing mattered now but this moment. She wanted all of him, with no restrictions, no boundaries, no doubts, no drama.