One Good Betrayal Deserves Another by Lee Taylor - HTML preview

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Kace had to away on business for a few days and  Cassie had picked a fight with him just before he left. Ultimately calling off the wedding. He promised he would get her back on time for the wedding. Well, he had to. His life savings kind of depended on it.

Meanwhile, Ethan and Cassie maximized in the opportunity and spent almost every waking moment together. They just couldn't get enough of each other

"We will have the Bruschetta Montana and the Stacciatella as starters," Ethan said to the waiter, "Sweetheart are you ready to order the main dish?" he put his hand over Cassie's and looked at her with such tenderness.

"We will have the Costate al Pepperoncino for my handsome companion over here," she winked at him.

"And the Pollo Funghi e Marsala for the most captivating woman in the room," he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "We will wash it down with a bottle of Prosecco. That will be all my good man."

"What about dessert?" Cassie pouted.

"Sweetheart, I'm right here, I'm all the dessert that you will ever need..and some," he winked at her suggestively as he put his hand on her thigh.

"What happened to honoring my wishes and all that gibberish?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I still stick to my word my love," he kissed her hand, "Good things come to those who wait. And patience is my middle name.." he trailed his long fingers lightly, on the back of her hand.


Ethan and Cassie turned, annoyed by the intrusion.

"Kace," she said without much enthusiasm.

"Hunter! What are you doing with my fiance?" he demanded.

"Don't be daft Miles." Ethan responded, "We're having lunch. Or can't you see that?"

"I thought I told you to stay away from him?!" Kace sputtered as he pointed at Ethan. "Sweetheart, do you really want to spend the rest of your life tied down to this  obnoxious man?" Ethan said, his voice laced with irritation.

"Don't call her that Hunter!" Ethan seethed, clenching his fists.

"Get a grip Miles, you're embarrassing yourself," Ethan stood and straightened his jacket. "I think I've lost my appetite- I'm going to leave. I'll see you at home, my love. Please use your key this time," he lowered his head and kissed Cassie on her forehead. The kiss lingered longer than necessary.

"I won't be long babe. Keep the bed warm so long," she nibbled on her bottom lip.

"Always," he whispered but loud enough for Kace to hear. Kace stood there and watched, too shocked to do or say anything. Ethan made to leave but Kace blocked his way.

"Miles-can't say it's been a pleasure," he scoffed as he brushed past Kace.

"What was that??!" Kace finally found his voice.

"Options," Cassie said as she swirled her wine in the glass.

"You-don't -can't-" Kace stammered unable to form a constructive sentence.

"Please speak plain English or a language we can both understand," Cassie twisted her mouth, "Sit, you did invite me to lunch after all. We took the liberty to order ahead. You're welcome by the way."

"Why did you entertain another man when you knew I was coming here to meet you?" He sat down, still in a daze. This is not how he imagined the reunion would play out. He thought he would woo her and convince her to go ahead with the wedding, as previously agreed.

"Same way you entertained my best-friend and her slutty sister I guess," she replied calmly.

"I told you nothing happened. Vicky is just jealous-"

"I know you had an affair with her Kace."

" know that I love you and only you. Your friends have always been envious of what we shared. I never touched those women, I swear on my life. Have I ever lied to you, honey? Have I?" Kace said, earnestly.

"We can bring them both and you can ask them. I have nothing to hide. I'm an open book, Cass," he continued the charade and she pretended to buy it. He took her hands in his and gave her his best puppy-dog eyes and she put on her best acting skills.

"I love you Cassandra Winters. I always have and always will. My heart only beats for you-it belongs to you...if you will still have it?" Kace thought that she wouldn't be able to resist him if he seemed genuine. He turned on the charm and put on an award-winning performance and the back and forth continued until Cassie was fully persuaded; the reverse psychology kicked in, making her put all the blame on herself.

"I-I-don't know.." She said, doubtful.

"What do you want me to prove my love to you?? I will do anything-just name it? I can even give up all my millions for you," he boldly declared. "I mean it Cass-tell me what do you want me to do and I'll do it."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" Fake tears collected on her lashes.

"Yes, Cassie. I'll do anything for you. You have to know that by now!" he grabbed a chair and pulled her close to him

"I've been such a fool! How could I ever doubt you? I knew that you would never do that to me? I'm so sorry for running off like that-will you ever forgive me?" she stroked his cheek with the back of her hand.

"So why don't we just pick up where we left off? What do you say, Cass? I still love you and you love me? Let's get married? Please? Say you still want to marry me?" he knelt beside her in a romantic gesture, sealing the deal.

"Of course I will!" Cassie gushed.

"Oh honey, you've just made me the happiest man on the planet!" his handsome face lit up.

"Oh look, honey! Victoria and Scarlett," Cassie said brightly. "Hey, over here," she waved them over. 

Kace's face turned white and he wished the ground could swallow him. He looked around like a caged animal with no means of escape. His handsome face etched with panic. The waiter arrived with their food just in time and was a welcome distraction.

"Hey, guys! We're here to discuss the wedding arrangements like you said on the phone,"

Scarlet said, a huge smile on her face, "Can we order too?"

"Yeah go ahead," Kace said with uncertainty. What were these two doing here, this not part of the plan? He had paid them off handsomely and warned them not to say anything to anyone, especially Cassie.

"Hie Kace, Cassie," Victoria kissed Cassie on the cheek.

"So the venue is all set, we can go and double-check the decor and stuff tomorrow, seeing as the wedding is four days away," Scarlet said, as she pulled out her iPad.

"Sorry, can I just borrow Cassie for a minute?" Kace said, "Honey can we talk? In private?" He needed to clarify a few things with her.

"Sure. I needed the bathroom anyway..let's go," Cassie stood up and walked with Kace.

"What's going on between you and Hunter?" He grabbed her arm gently and pushed her against the wall close to the restrooms.

"What do you mean?" She put on a blank face.

"When I got here you were with Hunter, my arch-nemesis..I'm confused..are you seeing each other?" He caged her in his arms.

"What? No? He just wanted to find out if I'd thought about his job offer. So I don't want him thinking I don't have many options, so I told him I was still considering other job offers. " Cassie deserved an Oscar for her performance.

"But you were flirting with him?" He didn't seem convinced.

"Was I? It wasn't intentional-besides I didn't know if you and I still had a chance. I'm sorry if I offended you anyway," she fluttered her lashes seductively; and Kace melted as he got lost in her blue eyes.

"It's okay honey, we all make mistakes. I forgive you because that's how much I love you," he hugged her and she sighed with contentment. Kace smiled inwardly, he had won. He was finally going to get everything he wanted and his parents were going to be pleased that the wedding was back on.

"You were really confident that I would take you back? I see you reigned in my two favorite people?" Cassie asked.

"I just didn't want any bad blood between you and -I know you and Scarlett have been friends for the longest let's let bygone be bygones shall we?" Kace hurriedly explained.

"Oh you're too sweet," Cassie kissed him on the cheek and walked into the bathroom. She took her phone out of her purse and made a quick call.

"He took the bait," Cassie said as she smiled.

It's ShowTime...


Part of The Plan

It was the night before the wedding and everything was in place.

Well, almost...

Cassie was still at Ethan's place; they had spent the day together and blocked out the world or the drama temporarily. The chef catered to their every whim and the housekeeper spent the day delivering and removing trays from the bedroom. They bingewatched movies and TV shows on Netflix; their phones were off and they avoided social media because the buzz was all about Cassie and Ethan's upcoming nuptials. 

"We have to get out of bed babe..." Cassie sighed and snuggled against him, feeling the beat of his heart... or was that her own?

He pushed the hair from her neck and his lips sizzled a hot trail in its wake. "The weather is not conducive my love. It's a sign..." 

"Hmmm..." she groaned with pleasure. "I wish...but I need to go to that dreaded rehearsal dinner."

"It's raining. Let's stay in bed," he said as he kissed her shoulder. 

"We can't." She giggled and put her arms around his neck.

"Fine..." he rolled his eyes before he looked down at her. "But tonight-"

"Can't do tonight babe. I'm going to be sleeping over at the mansion with my purported inlaws." 

"Great..." He shifted his position as he grabbed and fluffed a pillow to hide his grimace.

She pulled away from him, propping up on an elbow as she studied his face. " know this is part of our plan. We have to carry it out until the end. It's too late for us to back down now." 

"I know. It doesn't mean I like it." Gathering her in his arms, he pulled her close - his lips seeking hers hungrily.

She reluctantly pushed him away but gave him a chaste kiss before jumping out of bed. "I need to take a bath and get ready. I'm so late."

He snatched her around the waist and laughed, dragging her onto the bed with him.  "I'm sorry if I got carried away last night... I have a lot of respect for you. I hope you know that?"

"No harm done right?" Cassie grinned.

"I know that you're not ready to take things further and I'm completely okay with that."

"Thanks for  being patient with me." She touched his cheek gingerly. "I know that you'd never hurt me Ethan...not intentionally anyway. I trust you."

"I trust you with my life, Cassie." He told her. "I'm so glad that my jet crashed and I got a chance to know you." She laughed when he said that. "I didn't know that being stranded on an island with you would lead up to this moment. The moment when I finally met the love of my life. I can't imagine my life without... I love you Cassandra Winters." The sincerity in his voice brought tears to her eyes.

Deep down she knew she felt the same way and there was no point in holding back those feelings anymore. "I love you too Ethan Hunter." 

A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up his eager face. "I can't tell you what hearing that does to me."

"I think I need to get used to it too." She smiled now the same happy smile as then when he had looked into her eyes.

She stroked his hair and kissed his forehead. "This isn't how I wanted to do this but...marry me Cassie Winters?"

"What?!" she blurted out, and then caught her breath.

He laughed softly. "Wrong answer princess. You're supposed to say yes!" 

"I-I don't know what to say, Ethan..." She watched him, still dumbstruck.  Was he in love with her as well, or was he simply taking what he could get?

"Yes?" He prompted again as he slid off the mattress and knelt down before her. "Say yes my love. Say you'll marry me." He cajoled gently. Strong warm fingers touched her hand and his palm slid under hers, entwining their fingers together. 

He seemed sincere, this couldn't be an act. She knew that. She could see it in his eyes. This was Ethan, her Ethan. She knew him better than anyone and vice-versa.  She may have had betrayal issues but Ethan had proven to her time and again, that he was nothing like Kace. Actually he was far from it-the complete opposite. Ethan was her destiny.

Cassie's stomach did somersaults as she drew a few shaky breaths to calm herself and then touched his face before she said: "Yes."

"Yes?!" Ethan's face broke out into an ecstatic smile as he rose to his feet again. 

"Yes!" she grinned unable to contain her happiness a second longer. "Yes, I'll marry you, Ethan Hunter!"

 With a whoop, he leaned down and swooped her into his arms, twirling her in the middle of the room. "YEEEEESSS!"

A joyful, unexpected frenzy, of which he had thought himself incapable, possessed him. This felt better than closing a billion-dollar deal any day. 

Cassie giggled, feeling giddy with happiness as she gazed up at his smooth bronze features. "Some one's excited..." she grinned, her eyes twinkling. 

"Sweetheart! you have no idea!" His arms wrapped around her and he kissed her thoroughly, leaving her breathless. 

"I've got to call my parents and tell them the news," she finally remembered. "Is that okay?"

"Yes, of cos," he replied. "But first..." he raised his index finger, indicating that she should wait. "Just give me a sec. Sit here," he led her to the chaise lounge in the corner and walked into his dressing room. She could hear him pressing the buttons of his safe before he came back, holding a small golden box. 

Going down on one knee, he flipped the case open to reveal a gold sapphire engagement ring, that matched the color of her eyes. He reached out and claimed her shaky hand, slipping the ring on her finger slowly. It was a perfect fit.


"I love it!" She gasped as tears pooled in her eyes. 

"And I love you." Before she could get a word out, Ethan covered her mouth with his. 

Her heart was about to burst with happiness. Everything that happened was so surreal.

She couldn't believe that she, Cassie Winters-was getting married to Ethan Hunter? 

Maybe this was all a dream but if it was she didn't ever want to wake up.