Paranorma: Paranormal. Supernatural, and Horror Short Stories by C.W. - HTML preview

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Little Girl Ghost

Paranormal journal entry 2


Date October 1st, 1992, on this day I was walking my Chocolate lab through my neighborhood as I always do everyday it’s our everyday normal routine, as I am walking I see this little girl long blond hair probably no more than six or seven years old and she was riding her bike and I watch her cross a busy street which quite concerning because she is far too young to cross the street without a parent. As I watch this little girl my stomach is in knots and I fear this little girl is going to get hit, but she makes across the street safely now this little girl is so dang cute, and so polite she comes up to me and says, “hello may I please pet your dog? I say, of course sweetie she’s friendly and she’s loves kids”, the little girl begins to tell me she loves dogs but she can’t have one because her mother is allergic, now after petting my dog the girl says thank you I have to go now, I say ok, be sure to cross safely.” This little girl stole my heart and I didn’t know where she came from I live in pretty big neighborhood and it doesn’t have that many kids in living it, I thought maybe she lived in a different neighborhood where I often walk but never really seen her down there. She’s always alone, she’s always riding her bike, and I see her wearing the same out-fit. At that time, I didn’t think much of it because kids often come to me and dog because they know us and see us in the neighborhood. What had me curious was why was a little girl out by herself crossing the street let alone coming up to a stranger? Did her parents teach her no rules whatsoever? No kid that young should be crossing any busy street without adult supervision. I honestly was scared for this young child, the street I walk on by everyday is extremely busy and drivers fly down it all the time often driving right through the stop sign. And to see this young, little girl crossing the street terrified me. So, I made it my mission to watch over this girl anytime she crossed the street to make sure she crossed safely. I saw the same little girl everyday on a walk and she’d come up to and talk to me and ask to pet my dog, of course I’d tell her yes. I saw her everyday for weeks until one day she disappeared, then I started seeing flyers on telephone poles where I walked, there was an image of a little girl the same one I saw that always came to me. One day I was out for a walk and I overheard my neighbors talking about a little girl on the news that got hit by a car, apparently it was hit and run and driver was on the run from the police and there a warrant out for this person’s arrest. His name for John Carradine he as forty, grey hair, six-four, and weighed two-hundred and thirty pounds, and he was involved with another hit and run homicide. She was six or seven years old, long blond hair, she rode a bike, her name was Jessa Atkins and she was crossing the street on her way to school and a car that was doing ninety down the street hit her killing her instantly the driver just sped off. The little girl witness the hit and run and when John Carradine found out he followed the little girl and purposely hit her. However, there was a witness out mowing his grass and he saw the man in a red Honda with the license plate CRZYDR. The man had reported seeing a red car plow through a stop in which the little girl Jessa Atkins was crossing to go to school hitting the little girl.  When the school called saying her daughter didn’t show up for class the mother was concerned and went looking for her, and when she saw her daughter on the ambulance gurney she broke down and cried. Completely devasted the mother went insane from the loss of her daughter because she blamed herself, committed herself to a mental institution, where now she currently resides. When I heard this story, my heart sunk into my stomach and I began to tear up. Hearing this story was rough because I have two kids of my own and to imagine what that poor little girl’s mother went through was hard to comprehend, if something happened to my kids I’d go nuts. Here this sweet little girl I have been seeing was a ghost, apparently she came to me because she knew I had I gift and had unfinished business, she wanted to see her favorite thing one last time and she had a message for her mother and father and she wanted me to find her and deliver the message. I saw a flyer on a nearby telephone pole and pulled it down, it had the name and address of the house of where the little girl had previously lived, now here’s the weird thing, I walked down the neighborhood where the little supposedly lived and I swear on my life I have seen her once but don’t really remember, maybe I caught a glimpse of her one time or again, anyway I walked to the address of the house and the father was the only one living there; I knocked on the door, he answered looking rugged and rough like he’d been drinking. “Hi sir, I said smiling, you don’t know me but I live in the neighborhood and I know your little girl and I’m very sorry for your loss, you see sir she came up to everyday and asked to pet my dog, that’s how I know her. I don’t how to say this, but do you know where your wife is and what mental institution she is staying at? He looked at me all perplexed, thank you for your condolences, he said solemnly; I think somewhere local, try the Windsor-Laurelwood Institution. Anyway he said, why do you want to know, sir it’s hard to explain and I’m not sure you’d understand, try me he replied, okay I said with a slight smile, I’m a medium and I have a gift I can see ghosts and spirits and I talk to them and I have been seeing your little girl and she’s been visiting me recently and she came to me saying she has a message for her mother and father and wanted me to deliver that message. Ok he said, with light in his eyes what is that message? Ok, your daughter said that she loves you both very much and it wasn’t you or her mother’s fault it also wasn’t an accident. I heard a story from my neighbors about some guy wanted for a previous hit and run homicide and he’s wanted his name John Carradine, have you heard of him?? Yes, I have my daughter witnessed a hit and run involving an unknown victim and her and mother witnesses. We reported to the police and when the police told that John Carradine was on the run we knew it was only a matter of time before he would find us, you see my wife and daughter were going to testify against him but since this whole incident my wife blamed herself for my daughter’s death and committed herself, I tried to tell her it wasn’t her fault but she wouldn’t listen. I was just about to leave when I felt the little girl tug at my shirt, there she was looking up at me with sad eyes. Miss, she said in a tiny sad voice, please tell him it was the same man that hit that woman was the same man that hit me, also she said tell him I can’t rest until he’s put away. Sir, I said calmy, I something to say your daughter who is here with now is telling me to tell you that the same man that hit that woman is the same man that hit her. She also said she won’t be able to move on until that man is put in jail. The father’s eyes lit up after he heard the message but was still looking sad at the same time, Jess if you can hear me it’s me Daddy I love you so much, I’m so sorry sweet girl, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that bad man will go to prison so you can have peace and move on. I began to tear up, the little said, tell my daddy I love him too and it’s not his fault or my mommy’s and tell him I’m always watching over them. I will I answered, gently squeezing the little girl’s hand. I thanked the father for the information, and he thanked me repeated for the time he had with his daughter and I bid ado and went on my way.” The little hugged me and thanked me and disappeared, I walked home and got into my car and drove to the institution where Jessa’s mother was residing. It was a short ten-minute drive from my house, and I have as stole away sitting in the back seat. Jessa was sitting in the back with her hand on her lap and she humming her favorite song her mother always use to sing to her “Amazing Grace”. “Hi, I said, looking in the review mirror, she looked me at and smiled warmly where’s your dog she asked curiously? Oh, she’s at home I replied, she was looking out the window when I left. Jessa giggled and it warmed my heart, you know I said, my dog looks for every time we go for a walk. She does? Jessa asked. Oh yeah, don’t you know animals can see and feel ghosts too? No, she answered, I didn’t that’s pretty cool, I think so too I agreed.” Just then we had pulled up to the institution and I parked the car, unbuckled myself and got out, walked into the the hospital. I was greeted by a friendly staff member greeting me with a smile and saying, “Hi, how can I help you? Hey back, I responded with a smile. Yes, I’m here to see my sister I lied, what’s her name the nurse asked, Jesse Atkins, I’ll let know you’re here the nurse answered with a smile, thank you I returned. I waited for a good ten minutes then the nurse came in with Jesse Atkins, I asked the nurse if would be ok to sit outside in the garden and the said, ok that’s fine she left to go back to her desk.”  I took Jesse by the hand and lead her outside to one of the benches, they sat down together. I looked at Jesse and began to talk, “Mrs. Atkins, you don’t know me, but I live in the neighborhood and I knew your daughter, she came to see me and my dog everyday when I was out for a walk. She looked at me confused by saw her eyes light up when I talked about her daughter. My name is Miriam and I live in the neighborhood and I’m a medium and your daughter came to recently and she has message for you. “Hi, Miriam nice to meet you Jesse managed to stutter, you know my daughter? Yes mam, I do she came to see me dog everyday and I always worried about her crossing the street, I’m so sorry for your loss. I saw your husband less than two hours ago and he’s worried about you and wants you to come home, he wants you know it’s not your fault. Oh? Yes mam, what happened to your daughter was travesty and I can’t begin to imagine what your going through. Thank you she said. I was busy getting ready and I always walk with my daughter to school but that day I was running late and we barely had time for breakfast, and Jessa left without me by time I realized she was gone it was too late, that day she wanted to be a big girl and go by herself but I shouldn’t have let her go, it’s my fault she’s dead, she sobbed into her hands. No, I said firmly it’s not your fault it’s the guy her hit her, it’s his fault, that’s why I’m here mam. Your daughter who is sitting here right next to me has a message for you, Jesse stopped sobbing and looked at me, Jessa says she loves you and to stop blaming yourself for what happened and it’s very important for you to get out of here and go home, and go to court and testify against the man that did this to your daughter, she won’t be able to rest until he’s behind bars. Jesse cried after hearing the message I told her, I was tearing up myself. I took Jesse by the hands and looked her in the eyes and said, there’s a man who was a witness to the crime who saw the car and the license plate, and has good description of him, he can help testify and put this man away and get peace for your daughter, and you want that right?” Jesse solemnly shook her head. Look no one blames you for your daughter’s death and it never should’ve happened but you can’t let that bother and let it control your life you need to stop blaming yourself and live because that’s what your daughter would have wanted and wants for you now, she won’t be able to cross over if she knows that you’re not ok, you’re letting that man win by blaming yourself. Live for your daughter, live because you love her, and you want justice for her, just know the memory of daughter will live in your heart and mind forever. Don’t forget the most important thing of all forgive the ones the forsake you and know that man will pay in the end not in life but in death as well. So, get well for your daughter come home and be a family with your husband and go on living knowing your baby girl is watching over you. Jesse looks at me and wipes the tears from her eyes and she hugs me tightly, thank you for today and telling me everything. You’re very welcome, look I have to go now but I’ll be around if you need I live close to you, so I’ll see you soon. Bye, before I left I hugged Jesse one last time and I saw Jessa wrap her ghostly arms around her mother and I cried. I heard Jesse sigh as if she could feel her daughter hug her. I walked Jesse back into the lobby, she thanked me one last and I waved goodbye, before I left I gave Jesse my number so she could call me anytime she needed a friend to talk to, I said goodbye.” I thanked the nurse and signed out, just for a minute I stood there and watched Jessa watch her mother and she had the biggest brightest smile, and it warmed my heart. I walked out the institution and smiled knowing a hurt mother be able to live again and be stuck in past blaming herself something that wasn’t her fault. About a week later, Jesse was released was back home with her husband, she called to tell me that she talked to the guy the seen the accident and he was willing to help with the case and testify against John Carradine and that she was going to testify in court today and that the police found John Carradine held up in an abandoned house and found him by the plates that neighbor had reported. She wanted me there for support, and of course I said yes. We all drove in the same car together and went to the courthouse to watch the man that killed her daughter get justice. The judge had announced to the court that due to evidence found on his car, such as blood splatter, and ripped clothes that found more than one victim that he’d hit, one victim that died was Megan Von Gibson and the victim Jessa Atkins and he was going to jail for vehicular homicide and was going to jail for life and getting the death penalty. I heard through my friend Jesse that John Carradine is due to die by lethal injection and her and her husband are going to watch. Later that night I sitting at home and Jessa appeared to me in my living room and she hugged and kissed my cheek and said “thank you because of you and my family I can find peace and I can move on. I looked at her and cried because I had grown fond of this little girl and completely stole my heart. I looked her and said you ready to cross over now I asked? She said yes, I see a bright light waiting for it, I replied goes towards it sweetie, she looked me one last and squeezed my hand, goodbye”, I waved and watched her disappear into the light.