Pete's Bilateral Crushes by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Kathy and Pete fell into a trap loop. For days together, they only spied on Susan without any vision or direction. They were both soon to be laid off by their firm, not being able to give time to their full time jobs. But nevertheless, they carried on. Dear valued reader, do you see any good outcome from all of this? Do you realize that they pushed themselves out of their boundaries so much that there was no hope left for them? It was unless that they came to their actual senses and didn’t risk their lives any longer that they could rejuvenate themselves once again.

On the other hand, Susan dreamed of working again. It was a dream of her to join another reputable firm and start all over again. Of course given the ten years’ experience she had, nothing was lost and she could competently and dedicatedly work as an experienced entrepreneur in another firm and rise to great heights once again. All the golden opportunities were open to her and she just had to tap into the floodlights of her life to feel life again.

She thought of how bilateral love on the part of a guy estranged two once upon a time good times remarkable lady colleagues. But what could be done now that everything had taken its toll? She took solace in the following beautiful quote by Spencer Chapman:

“Do not judge others by your own thoughts. They are living a different life than you are. What might be good for one person may not be good for another. What might be bad for one person might change another person’s life. Allow people to make their own mistakes or their own decisions. We learn and grow with each decision and/or mistake that we make, but again, what might be a mistake for you would be a blessing for someone else.” ~ Spencer Chapman, UK, 2013

How true, Susan mused. Pete did not turn out to be the right guy for her but he seemed like a blessing to Kathy if she knew how to make good use of the opportunity while for Susan herself, she knew that she already had too many blessings in her life to count and she was still counting positively and enthusiastically. She made a Vision Board and put pictures of the stuff she would like to manifest in her life, for example, a compatible life partner, a good, decent and reputable job, her future children, their future vacations together, and lastly building assets and making investments over time for the good welfare of her to-be-soon family. She looked at the Vision Board hung on the wall right beside her bed every day and she knew she was close, very close indeed.