Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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“ A bath,are you kidding? You'll have a bath in the evening after you have finished all your work and not a minute sooner. Now get in here and start peeling the potatoes.”

Sam's first intention was to answer her back but then she decided to just let her have her way this time. There was no point in quarrelling with Carla over such a small matter. So instead she took a seat by the table and started peeling potatoes just as Carla had told her. If she had looked at Carla she would have seen a quick smile on her face.

Later that evening Sam was tired and just wanted to rest her weary head on the pillow. The family, namely Kevin and his mom, went to the kitchen to have dinner, followed by Carla. Sam helped her put the food on the table and then sneaked out to her room. 5 minutes later there was a soft knock on her door but Sam was already half asleep on the bed. She managed to say “yeah?” in a low voice and then Kevin entered her room with a food tray in his hands. Without saying anything he put it beside her bed on a small table and then he left. Sam ate in a hurry and fell asleep.

The following morning she took the tray to the kitchen to wash it. Carla was already there washing the dishes and when she saw her she told her to put her tray there too as she was going to wash that too. Sam thanked her and hurried outside in the garden before Carla changed her mind. She needed to be alone for a bit, out in the sun. And the garden was the perfect place. She went to the farthest corner of the garden and sat on the tiny bench beneath an old oak tree. The sweet smell of flowers was overwhelming. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift away to other places and other times, happier times, times when she still had her mom… A tear rolled down her cheeks as the memory of her mother came to mind. But she knew her mom wasn’t coming back so she had to be strong and make the best of the situation