Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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she was in. She wiped her tears with her sleeve and opened her eyes. She thought she saw someone behind a rose bush but by the time she got there, there was no one there anymore. Or maybe there never was, she wasn’t sure. She decided to go help Carla in the kitchen.

Sam went every day in the corner of the beautiful garden to relax and think of everything. It kind of became her spot.

As the days went by she was turning into a really beautiful young lady and Eleanor, the mistress of the house, wasn’t blind to this or to the way her son Kevin was looking at her when she wasn’t aware. As for Sam, she wanted more from life than just working for Eleanor or Clara. She was sure that life meant more than cooking and cleaning for rich folk. She wanted to see the world not just the tiny town she lived in.

She had no one to keep her there. She was all alone and she felt strong and brave enough to face the world.

One afternoon after she had finished her chores she decided to go in the garden in her favorite spot and ponder about how she was going to bid farewell from this nice family. She thought that after a couple of years in their service she surely deserved more than just the food she got. She needed money if she was going to travel the world. And she deserved it as during this time she had never asked for anything else besides the food she got. But she had to leave, she had to make a change in her life. She didn't want to grow old serving Mrs. Eleanor and Clara. As for Kevin, he was nice but rather lonesome and not too talkative. She liked him. But she needed more.

She sat on the bench and stared at the clear blue sky. A few fluffy clouds were forming in the distance. She wished everything was simpler, she wished she still had her mother. But she had no one. She tried to imagine how the dialogue would go between her and the mistress of the house. Would she even miss her? As for Clara, she