Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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there at night till then. He usually came before 7 pm, checked how the business was going and then left.

“Uh, I didn’t expect you, sir…” Sam said not knowing what to make of it. “I almost finished washing and cleaning….”

But she didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence as he grabbed her hair and kissed her violently. He was clearly drunk as his mouth stank of alcohol and he was stumbling. She always imagined her first kiss as something magical and not like this. She was disgusted. She tried to push him away but she couldn’t. He was obviously stronger than her, even drunk as he was. She tried to scream but he covered her mouth with his left hand while he was touching her with his right hand. Sam realized the danger and she gathered all her strength and courage and she kicked him in his nuts. A scream of pain escaped his lips and she managed to run as he was kneeling in agony. She got to the front door and tried to open it, but it was locked. She remembered she had her pair of keys in the back by the sink where she had just left her drunk boss who had just tried to rape her. She didn’t dare go back but she had a hairpin in her hair and she could use it to unlock the front door. With trembling hands she took the hairpin and started picking the door. She could hear him stumble across the tables and she was sure he was just behind her but she didn’t stop to check. Sweat was running down the back of her neck when she finally managed to open the door. The next moment she was out in the street and running towards home, towards the safety that Mike and his family offered her.

When she entered the door of their apartment, all sweaty and agitated, Mike realized that something was wrong. Sam told him and Diana everything while Nat was walking Sasha outside.

Mike called his colleagues and Mr. Stevenson was found asleep by the entrance door and arrested that night. But Sam was shocked and