Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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that night she had nightmares. She kept dreaming of what happened. When she woke up in the morning she wished she could just go back to the quiet life she used to have. She remembered how bad she had wished to leave that place and see the world but now all she wanted was that quiet, simple life when she could just sit on the bench in the garden and look at the sky and the stars and moon. Now she couldn’t even do that out of fear she could be attacked either to be robbed or raped. She had seen enough. She just wanted to go back wondering why that life hadn’t been enough for her. She would give anything now to have that simple life back and sit in the evening with Eleanor in the living room and listen to her singing or play the piano. And see Kevin again…. Why was she even thinking of him, she wondered, as he barely even ever noticed her…

So after thinking of it all, she decided to ask for Mike and Diana's advice. She wanted to know if they thought there was a chance she could go back to her own time and her old life. As for Nat, she would really miss her as she got to love her like a sister. And Sasha. But she would have a private talk with her and explain why she couldn’t stay anymore and why she wanted back. She was sure Nat would understand as she was a very clever young girl.

After deliberating on the subject, Mike and Diana told her that if there was any chance for Sam to go home, she had to remember every little detail, no matter how insignificant it might seem, about the last thing she knew before finding herself in the 21st century. Sam told them all she knew and all she could remember. She told them about the full silver moon, the storm and the old oak tree. So they told her she should probably wait for the next full moon and find the same oak tree in the park. But it wasn’t that easy as there were lots of oaks now there. But it wasn’t impossible, either. So the next full moon was going to be in five days. Which meant she had five days to talk to Nat and explain her