Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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and she woke up, her eyes suddenly wide open. It took her a few minutes before she remembered where she was and what she was doing there. She didn’t know how long she had slept but by the way the sun was up on the sky she must have slept at least a couple of hours if not more. It felt weird as it only seemed as though she had slept a few minutes. But the sun didn’t lie. She grabbed her almost empty basket and hurried to gather some more firewood. She couldn’t wander off much longer or her mom would be worried for her. So she started gathering whatever she could find to finish sooner. One hour later she was on her way back towards the inn.

As she drew near, she could distinguish the roof of the inn and she could see smoke. She thought it was weird for them to make the fire as it was a warm sunny day. But the closer she got, the more she realized that the smoke was not just coming from the chimney. It was too much and too dark. Her heart raced inside her chest as a bad feeling enveloped her soul and mind. She didn’t know when her tiny feet had ceased walking and had started running. She dropped her basket as she ran towards the smoldering inn. She could see it all now and it was a terrible sight. It was all burnt, blackened from what must have been a huge fire. There were lots of people she didn’t know, people from the village, no doubt, still throwing buckets of water to put out whatever spark might have escaped them.

Sam watched in despair for any signs of survivors, for her mom. She pushed her way throughpast the men who were still fighting to put out the remaining of the fire but someone grabbed her and pushed her back. She couldn’t see his face as her eyes were drowned in tears but she tried to fight back and get closer to what had been her home her entire life, to where her mom was… and again someone grabbed her and pulled her away. She wanted to scream but the words wouldn’t