Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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come out so she punched him in his chest with her tiny fists until she could not lift them any longer.

“Hush, little one, there's nothing there anymore….” Was the last thing she heard before she fainted and lost consciousness. But the voice was reassuring and sweet, calm in spite of all the chaos around.

When she finally woke up, she was all alone in a nice room. It had nice furniture and there were some flowers in a vase on the small table next to the bed she was in. She couldn’t remember how she got there. It was all a blur in her mind and she had a headache. Then it all came back to her in jumbled images. She remembered her stroll in the forest and then the inn…. Her mom, Maria, everyone… by the way the inn looked when she got there she knew no one could have survived. So did this mean she was all alone now!?

Large tears rolled down her cheeks as she started crying softly. Then she thought she heard a noise behind the door to the room she was in but as no one entered, she just went on crying until she fell into a deep slumber. When she woke up on the following morning, the pillow was soaking wet with her tears. She must have cried a lot in her sleep. But her tears must have run dry as she couldn’t shed another tear now. She got up from the bed and she felt the smell of freshly baked bread and eggs. She looked around and saw the source. There was indeed some bread and two scrambled eggs on a nice plate on the table next to her bed. And a glass of water next to the food. The flowers were gone, though, maybe because the table wasn’t large enough to hold everything. She was starving and now she realized it as the smell of food hit her senses. She decided to eat as whoever had put the food there had surely meant it for her. She would thank that person after she'd be full. She gulped down everything in large bites and then emptied the glass of water, too.