Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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The light coming through the curtains from the outside meant that it was late in the morning already. After she finished eating and drinking, she went towards the door and listened. She heard two women discussing what had happened at the inn. One was saying that Tom had set it on fire on a fit and that it was too bad as the owner, his two maids and Tom himself had died in the fire along with a few old drunkards.

As she was about to open the door, she saw the handle turn and the door was open. She stood still waiting to see who was behind the door.

A knock was heard on the open door and before she had the time to answer, a tall young boy was standing in the doorway. He seemed just a few years older than her. He had a strong constitution, a broad chest and strong arms. The T-shirt he was wearing seemed too small for him, but that didn’t seem to bother him.Her first impression was that he must be a servant working hard for the master and mistress of the house.

“Who are you and where am I?” she asked with her cheeks red and a thumping heart.

“Hello, miss. This is Rosefield      ” He said with a slight bow of his head.

His voice…. She knew that voice…. It was him! Finally she managed to go on.

“You…. You took me away from the inn, from my mom!” and she started to punch him in his chest while large tears found their way again down her cheeks as if flowing from the bottom of her shattered heart. She hit him until her palms hurt and until she couldn’t even lift her hands anymore. Then she wiped her tears and looked up at the poor boy standing there unmovedwhile she had poured all her anger and sorrow on him. He hadn’t even flinched. He was looking back at her