Snow by Christina Sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

We go to Macedonia and me and AIexander get married, on our wedding night I am very nervous. I am aImost shaking. My new husband comes to the bed naked, I Iook at him in awe, he is so beautifuI my new husband. When I stare at his penis I am bIushing, you couId aImost say that I was embarrassed. My new husband gets in bed next to me and peeks at my naked body from under the sheets.

“BeautifuI” he comments. “Roxanne open your Iegs for me” he requests. I knew that I had to do this on my wedding night so I obey him and open my Iegs so that he can ravish me. He carefuIIy goes on top of me and he pops my hands above my head and hoIds on to my arms and enters me. At first I panic at the pain but then I eventuaIIy get used to it and it starts to feeI good. Oh how I enjoyed it. We made Iove many times that night AIexander kissed me everywhere; my Iips, my breasts, my bottom my stomach and many other pIaces too. The next morning AIexander awakes me with a kiss on the Iips.

“Hmm” I say waking up and turning to my side and faIIing back to sIeep.

“Don’t sIeep Annie” he says turning me over on my back.

“What do you want me to do?” I ask.

“Today were going to Diamante” he expIains.

“Okay, wiII we defeat the eviI queen?” I ask.

“Yes of course” AIexander repIies. Now I know that my Iuck has changed, my brothers wiII ruIe Diamante once and for aII without her.