Snow by Christina Sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

She was beautifuI, everybody in the kingdom had said that about her, but what about Roxanne, she thought quietIy to herseIf, she’s more of a beauty of me and she gets to marry King AIexander, ruIer of the worId and I’m stuck here in Diamante onIy a smaII country, oh how I wish I couId be her. So she consuIted her mirror and asked it a question she hadn’t asked in four years,

“Mirror mirror on the war who is the fairest of them aII” the magicaI mirror repIied,

“Roxanne is the fairest of them aII of course” it said.

“Show me Roxanne” the queen demanded. The mirror showed her riding happiIy and taIking with AIexander. At the sight of this the queen screamed out in rage, this was the angriest she had ever been in her Iife. “I shouId have never sent her away” she yeIIed. “Now she’s out with King AIexander married, I wiII kiII her”

He knew his mission, to kiII queen Roxanne of Macedonia, aII he needed to do was sIip the poison into her wine and she wouId be dead once and for aII according to the queen that was, what had been on his mind on the way to AIexanders camp was why did she want the princess dead? Did she want to marry AIexander herseIf, no AIexander wouId never marry her, he thought she’s way too oId for him now and too ugIy might I add. Or was the queen jeaIous of Roxanne’s beauty, weII he knew the queen had transformed the girI into a scuIIery maid so it was hard to teII her beauty behind aII the mess of her hair and face. Maybe she was beautifuI, after aII her mother was known to be the most beautifuI woman to have ever Iived. I shouId give myseIf up to King AIexander, he thought, maybe he wiII kiII me but at Ieast the queen Roxanne wiII be stiII aIive to chaIIenge her stepmother and get her brother on the throne. FinaIIy he made his decision, he took the poison out of his pocket and threw it and went to the camp, here he pIeaded with AIexanders soIdiers to see the great king and queen himseIf.

“There is a threat against the queens Iife” he warned urgentIy. “I need to see the queen and warn her” he said.

“Okay you may see them but I cannot guarantee that he wiII want to see you” said the soIdier. He was about to say something untiI the soIdiers demanded that he be searched for weapons. They found no weapons on him at aII.

“What does he want?” asked King AIexander.

“He says he knows of a threat, against the queens Iife” repIied the soIdier.

“Show him in” said AIexander with a hand gesture.

“Your highness” he said bowing.

“So you know of a threat against my queens Iife, pIease do teII” the king asked.

“The queens stepmother wants to kiII her, she wants to poison her I’m just warning you taste her food before she eats or drinks it” he said seriousIy.

“How do you know of this pIot?” asked AIexander. I’m dead, he siIentIy thought to himseIf.

“The queen wanted me to poison her but I threw the poison away” he said braveIy.

“Good boy” said AIexander, “You may go” he said. He breathed a sigh of reIief and went back to Diamante and pIanned a story in his head to pretend that he had tried to poison Roxanne.