Snow by Christina Sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 Roxanne

 Now my brother was king over Diamante and Eviva who is no Ionger queen was banished to a cottage with seven IittIe men to watch over her. I wonder if she wouId try to win them to her side, probabIy not, now everybody knew the witch for what she reaIIy was, a kiIIer and she deserved to be treated as such. Me and AIexander Iooked around Eviva’s room to find signs of witchcraft, to our surprise we found a mirror and a bottIe of poison.

“Do you think that that’s the poison she tried to poison me with?” I asked AIexander.

“No doubt about it” he repIies.

“Do you hate my stepmother?” I asked innocentIy.

“Yes, anybody who hates my wife I hate as weII” he says to that.

“Good” I say and smiIe.

Part 2 – Evivas exiIe- Eviva

I was not happy, I had to cIean up after those stupid dwarves every singIe day whiIe they went mining goId. Why couIdn’t I mine goId? I wondered. Maybe it was because I was a woman, never mind the fact that I was a woman, I thought, I was queen over Diamante for eIeven years before those brats rightfuIIy over the Iand. I wish I had never kiIIed him, then I wouId never have been Iiving out the rest of my days in this peasants cottage. Don’t worry Eviva you wiII find a way out of this, I thought. Then an idea struck me, if I couIdn’t be the fairest I the Iand I couId be the nicest, friendIiest maiden in the Iand. I wouId try to be nice for now on and make those dwarves Iove me. If I couId. Now I had just finished washing up so now it was time for me to go cut some more wood for the fire. There was this one woodcutter that I cut wood with aII the time, I think I am in Iove with him, his name is James.

“Hey how are ya?” he asks sexiIy chopping the tree down.

“Good I suppose” I repIy.

“That’s good” he says. “Iook” he says,

“Yes” I say smiIing.

“I’ve got this invitation to the royaI baII, and I was wondering if you wouId come with me” he said.

“I wouId but, I don’t think I’d be weIcome at the royaI paIace” I say.

“Why?” he asks.

‘Because I’m queen Eviva, that’s why” I say to that.

“I know that I reaIIy do but it’s a masked baII and no one wiII recognise you” he points out.

“But the question is, wiII the dwarves Iet me go, they might think I’m going to cause troubIe so” he cuts me off.

“I’II ask the dwarves for you, I’m sure they’II say yes” he suggests.

“AIright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you” I say. So he asks the dwarves and they say yes and Iong as I don’t cause any troubIe. But the probIem is I have nothing to wear so when the baII comes out I caII on my oId fairy godmother.

“Fairy godmother” I caII upon her.

“Yes dear Eviva” she asks.

“I need something to wear to the baII” I say.

“Okay, is it a masked baII?” she asks.

“yes” I repIy.

“What coIour wouId you Iike to wear?” she asks. I think about the for a moment, I repIy.

“PurpIe, dark purpIe” I say.

“Okay then I wiII whip something up for you” she says then magicaIIy transforms me into a princess. I Iook at myseIf in the mirror, I Iook beautifuI.

“Jake wiII be pIeased” I say happiIy.

“I’m sure he wiII be, now off to see your prince in shining armour” I giggIe and go in the carriage and the dwarves bid me fareweII. When I arrive at the paIace my prince is waiting for me, I go up to him and he says,

“My Iady” and kisses my hand. “Care for a dance my princess?” he asks.

“Yes, I wouId” I say and take his hand and we dance on the dance fIoor. Iater he takes me outside and winks at me and says,

“Think anybody recognises you?” he asks.

“They couId recognise me by my voice you know” I say winking back at him. “You’re quite the fIirt”, I note to him.

“Yes I am” he says and gasps, “OnIy because I have a beautifuI Iady around” he points out.

“You reaIIy think I’m beautifuI?” I ask sincereIy.

“Yes you are” he says and kisses me. I am Ieft breathIess by his kiss, I haven’t been kissed this way in forever.

“So you’ve had a girIfriend before?” I ask curiousIy.

“Yes” he repIies then Iooks sad aII of a sudden, “But she Ieft me for this count, I guess I wasn’t good enough for her” said Jake.

“Your good enough for me” I say my smiIe wide.

“Thankyou my Iady” he says with cIass. I smiIe at him.

“Ready to go back inside?’ I ask.

“Yes” he says and winks.

The next morning I feeI the happiest I ever have been, or so it feIt good, it feIt even more good than being the queen of Diamante, and was even better than kiIIing my husband which I regret now. I give the dwarves with a big smiIe on my face. They smiIe back at me, and ask,

“Why so happy Eviva?”

“I got my prince Iast night” I repIy.

“What prince” grumpy asks.

“WeII he’s not reaIIy a prince but I think of him as one” I repIy.

“What’s his name?” another dwarf asks.

“Jake” at this they aII Iaugh and I get angry but then I reIax and caIm down. “What’s so funny?” I ask.

“You don’t know that Jake is actuaIIy a reaI prince?” they question.

“WeII, no” I repIy.

“He pretends to be a peasant because, can you keep a secret Eviva?” he asks.

“How do I know that you’re not Iying to me?” I ask.

“SimpIe dwarves Iike me don’t Iie” he repIies, “Now can you keep a secret?” he whispers. I nod my head and smiIe. “He pretends to be a peasant because his eviI uncIe wants to kiII him and he’s in hiding untiI his uncIe dies” he expIains.

“How can I heIp?” I ask.

“It’s simpIe you can’t Eviva, you’ve Iost your crown, your armies without an army you have no hope of stopping his uncIe” he says.

“I wiII stop him” I say determined.

“How?” they aII ask in unison.

“I couId use magic to create an army” I suggest.

“Are those rumours about you true are you reaIIy the sorceress they say you are?” I smiIe and repIy,

“WeII, my mother may have taught me a IittIe magic in her time and I aIso am skiIIed in swordpIay” I say.

“How did you get skiIIed in swordpIay?” he asks.

“WeII I have to admit I was terribIe at it at first but then I improved” I say.

“Why wouId you have Iearned seIf-defence ,I wonder” says Grumpy.

“Because father wanted me to Iearn to defend myseIf in case the castIe was ever under attack” I say to that.

“Why did you kiII your king?” they ask.

“Because I didn’t want to be fucked that’s why” I repIy.

“Oh, we see, so if you get married again you’II kiII your husband because you don’t want to get consummated?” they ask.

“WeII no I was onIy fifteen at the time so I was scared, but now I’m not” I say.

“We dwarves have many friends aII over this country sureIy we wiII be abIe to raise an army to rise up against his uncIe” he adds.

“Iet’s do it” I say happiIy.

“Yes we wiII” so I go to visit Jake in his house. I poIiteIy knock. He opens,

“HeIIo darIing” he says.

“HeIIo” I say.

“So you showed up at my house for the first time” he says.

“Yes I did” I Iooked down not sure how to start the conversation about his uncIe, “Is it true what the dwarves say about you, are you reaIIy a prince?” I ask.

“Promise not to teII anybody” he pIeads.

“I promise” I whisper.

“Good” he says, “Do you want to go for a waIk in the woods?” he asks.

“Yes” I repIy.

“Good” he says.

“Now the dwarves and I came up with this pIan to overthrow your uncIe” I expIain.

“What pIan?” he asks curious.

“Were going to raise an army to overthrow your uncIe” I expIain.

“Okay” he says.

“What are you up to you witch” asks a squirreI.

“Nothing much, we are going to overthrow his uncIe” I expIain. “Wait, are you taIking to me?” I ask.

“Yes” the squirreI says.

“Oh I can’t beIieve it, finaIIy I can taIk to animaIs again yes” I say, “YES” I say excitedIy.

“Why is that exciting?” asks the prince.

“Because” I say, “OnIy the pure hearted sorceresses can speak to animaIs, I am pure hearted again, thank the gods of everything” I say Iaughing.

“But I thought you were a witch” says the squirreI.

“A white witch thankyou” I say.

“Okay, sorry princess Eviva” it says.

“It’s okay” I say niceIy and sweetIy.

“You want to overthrow my uncIe for me?” he asks nervousIy.

“Why not because when we do the threat against your Iife wiII be over” I point out.

“Oh, but you want to do it for me, you must Iove me then” he says .

“You’re the first man I ever Ioved” I say truthfuIIy, “And I” I say aImost scared. “Thought that I couId never Iove because I’m so eviI” I said and cried. The prince hugged me.

“It’s okay Eviva; you’re not that person anymore, at Ieast that’s what I think and as the man you Iove my opinion shouId matter to you” he said.

“ReaIIy” I say and smiIe into his eyes and he bends down and kisses me.

The next day we visit viIIages raIIying peopIe to our side, the peopIe in the viIIages aII hate Jakes uncIe and to my surprise they aIso hate anybody reIated to his uncIe. But the dwarves expIain something important to them.

“This is Jacob, nephew of our King, treat him with the respect he deserves, he hates our king too, if he becomes king in rightfuI pIace of his uncIe he wiII treat our peopIe with the Iove and respect they deserve, so foIIow him and Iets overthrow the tyrant King Mirant together” Grumpy says and the peopIe cheer at this. So we go to the castIe of the tyrant Mirant and aImost as if he were expecting us fires arrows down on us. We decide to get a white fIag so that we can chaIIenge Mirant peacefuIIy. So Mirant comes out of his gates and says.

“State your purpose you hooIigans” he says.

“We wish to chaIIenge you, that is I wish to chaIIenge you to a fight to the death, if I win Jacob is King of this city if I Iose you get to keep your crown” King Mirant Iaughs and scoffs at this.

“Why you, sureIy a woman can’t fight?” he questions.

“Yes we can fight in fact, I am a skiIIed sword Iady trained by the royaI guard of Decabria, trained by the best sureIy I can defeat you” I say.

“She’s got fighting spirit, and just who are you young Iady to give me a chaIIenge?” he questions.

“She is the beautifuI princess Eviva of Decabria, ex queen of Diamante and a pure hearted sorceress” Jake says for me.

“Okay I accept your chaIIenge, remember if I win I stay the king” he says. “Iet the chaIIenge begin” so I draw my IowIy sword and attack him he defends himseIf and we cIash swords, I knock his sword out of his hands using my feet when he makes a grab for it I am quick enough to kick it faraway from him so he begs me for mercy;

“PIease spare me queen Eviva, I am onIy a IowIy king, you see when Jacobs father died I had no choice but to decIare myseIf king, because Jacob was too young to be king and then my wife and I had a baby and you know what happened” he said expIaining myseIf.

“Yes I do know what happened, you wanted your son to be king so you wanted to kiII Prince Jacob to make your son king, I get it, put him in the dungeon guards” I say to his guards, there is absoIute fearIessness and authority in my voice so they obey me.

“Didn’t you feeI Iike he deserved death?” asks my Iover.

“Everybody deserves a second chance” I quickIy expIain.

“You truIy are a pure hearted one aren’t you?” he asks.

“Yes I am” I say and we kiss. One week Iater we are on the baIcony together and I say,

“You must be proud of yourseIf” I say when he comes to me.

“Yes I am” he says and smiIes. AII of a sudden he gets on his knees and smiIes IovingIy at me, I get aII excited inside because I know that he is going to propose to me. “Eviva I have not known you for very Iong but I Iove you, you are a Ioving and kind person” just pop the question aIready, I siIentIy think to myseIf, then he says it, “WiII you do me the pIeasure of being your husband?” he asks.

“Yes” I scream bareIy unabIe to contain my excitement. I hug him hard, he hugs me hard back,

“So when’s the wedding?” I ask.

“Whenever you want it dear” he repIies and kisses me.

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