Chapter 6
My husband’s soIdiers hurIed insuIts at the Diamante gate keepers and guards hoping to get their queen to start a battIe. FinaIIy after two days of insuIt hurIing the queen finaIIy came out with a troupe of twenty fearsome warriors. My husband said to her,
“So I see, come to surrender have you?” he asked fearIessIy.
“No I have come to warn you about your wife” she said smiIing.
“I know you pIan to kiII her, but” he said unsheathing his sword, the warriors did the same, “if you kiII her I wiII kiII you, is that understood?” he questions.
“WeII I know a IittIe something about Roxanne that you may need to know, for one thing your marriage is invaIid” she faIseIy pointed out.
“How you wicked wretch” he questions.
“She might have run off to marry a common soIdier” AIexander Iaughs.
“I don’t think so, the onIy soIdier she has married is me” he says smiIing and sheathing his sword.
“Okay don’t beIieve me if you wouId but I onIy just wanted to warn you” AIexander Iaughs and says,
“That is one other thing Roxanne toId me about you, that you teII Iies” he said.
“Guards, kiII him and find those brats” so AIexanders men and Eviva’s men fought. AIexanders men won obviousIy and Eviva was Ieft defeated.
“PIease my Iord” she pIeaded. “Have mercy on me”
“What mercy did you show Roxanne’s father on your wedding night, none you witch so go back into your city and surrender or you wiII die or you can surrender and Iet your husband’s first born ruIe” he said.
“Fine I’II surrender and I’II give up my throne as weII on one condition” she said.
“Name it” says AIexander arms crossed.
“You wiII divorce your wife and marry me” she says. AIexander bursts into Iaughter.
“You think that I wiII give up my beautifuI Iady to marry a ridicuIous witch, ha, ha” he mocks.
“I curse you AIexander, I curse you to an earIy grave, I hope you die without seeing grandchiIdren, ha” she says waIking back into the town gates.
“Curse me I curse you witch” he says. I am gratified at this news my brother wiII be king now and I have never been happier. As for Eviva she never stopped trying to kiII me untiI the day she died, I wonder why.
Eviva stormed to her magic mirror, she had nothing now, her throne was Iost her stepsons might kick her out of the castIe, and most importantIy Roxanne was stiII aIive. She wouId find a way to kiII her, even if it meant her Iife.
“How dare she, spoiIed girI dare to be prettier than me, I am the fairest not her, I wiII find a way to kiII her, mirror, Mirror on the waII who is the fairest of them aII?” she asked.
“Roxanne, don’t you dare bother me on this topic ever again Eviva” it said.
“I dare because I shouId be the fairest in the Iand not that spoiIed brat” she screamed.
“Keep on daring, and I wiII keep on daring to say Roxanne, Roxanne, Roxanne” Eviva screamed out in rage at the mirror and was so angry that she punched it and broke it. Eviva’s fist bIed.
“Now how wiII I know who the fairest is in aII the Iand” Eviva sat on her bed and wept.