Summer Camp


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Published: 12 years ago

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A summer adventure turned into something completely different!

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Cassie Beattie

I write as a hobby, I never really intended to publish my work but I let a friend read some of my work and she really encouraged me to share it. I don't profess to be a writer, I have a day job, a husband and plenty of things to keep me busy, but writing is something I do in my spare time, I would rather write than watch TV! I tell people I write trashy romances and that is really what they are, they are influenced by the books I like to read. All of my characters are works of fiction, I dont base them on any one I know but an amalgamation of people I know and love! No none of them are my husband! if you would like to read some of my other short stories, you can find them at obooko!

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