The Fire of Success by Ikemegwalu Chidimma - HTML preview

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Mary was on her last year in secondary school, and was preparing to write her SSCE exam. She fought hard in all her studies. She felt inspired at the thought of making her mother proud and called Nne Doctor. And also her mother was not growing any younger. Mary had no doubt in her mind that she would make it. She and Flora went to the library as often as they can and stayed apart from each other if need be so at to focus. When they both got their JAMB forms they both applied to the same university with the hope that it does work.

On the examination day, the students gathered together and prayed, they wished each other well, and went into the examination hall. Mary endeavored to pray before and after each exam till they were all over. When their set was dismissed and told to go home and await their results. Mary went home to her family. When she got back, she was well received as always. Uzoma was now kinder than ever. She had also started a petty trade just in front of their compound; this minimized the number of word combats and fights that she was involved in. On one of the days Flora came to their hometown in hope of going back with Mary to the city, but Mary was quick to decline because of the fear of living her mother except when she was in school or visiting her grandparents from her paternal side. But she did promise Flora she will come to town soon for a visit since she has her address and had been there on one of their weekends in school.

After a month had gone, Mary told her family she was going to check her result in school and as well use the opportunity to visit Flora’s family.

When she arrived the school, the students were on a midterm break. She went straight to the principal’s office, who was glad to see her. She told Mary that she had done the school proud and gave her the statement of her result. She got eight A’s and a B. When she inquired about Flora’s result as to deliver to her, since she was going to her home. She was told no one was allowed access to another person’s result except under special circumstances. She thanked the principal and some of the staff and Rev Sisters she could find and went on her way to Flora’s place. They were pleased as they can be to see her. The next day she and Flora went to receive Flora’s result, and she did well too seven A’s and two B’s. When they got home, the family had merriment to celebrate them for doing so well. Mary spent one more day, went shopping, later to the zoo wild life and had access to visit a medical research facility because Flora’s father was a prominent man in medics.

After two days with them, she left for her hometown for she could not longer wait to bring the good news to her family. Everyone was overjoyed. They waited till the coming Sunday to go for thanksgiving in Church, and then had a day of fun and ease. The news spread to the neighbors who came to congratulate Mary for doing well.  In fact, she was their shining star. At night before bed, Ihuoma called her daughter to advise her. She told her thus;

‘Mary you are my daughter and I have never deceived you. You have only gone a step higher to the real life. This stage is where and when everything happens. But don’t forget my words, daughter, the fire of true success is ambition. Do not live a life of worldly desires and goals. For you and I have labored all through our lives, you are my reward on earth, and I want us both to be rewarded in heaven. You have learned what it is to be contented in life through the kind of life you have been surrounded with. Whatever we do not give you, is either harmful to you or we do not have it. Be mindful of where you come, never forget your roots. Most of all continue to love the Lord your God in whom we hope to save our souls. Have you heard all I have I said?’

‘Yes mama’ she replied.

‘Okay, you can now go to bed, have a good night rest, today was hectic’ she told her smiling.

‘Good night ma’

And they both left for the comfort of their beds.