The Fire of Success by Ikemegwalu Chidimma - HTML preview

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The first day of the new session was quiet as expected. With only a few students there and about, it was dull, but the Rev Sisters were at work to organize and maintain things as it should be. Mary was moved into the senior dormitory, as was done to everyone who made it through their previous class. Two days later, Flora arrived during the English class. They smiled at each other so as not to disturb the class. Soon the school bell rang for recreation, making time for everyone to catch up with each other holiday’s experiences.

One Thursday morning, the students were meant to have moral instructions. It was decided that the students stay in their class whereby each class was assigned to a Rev Sister or teacher. It was a teacher that was assigned to instruct Mary’s class, and facilitated them on the theme, ‘Money is not everything’. She told them thus;

‘Money can buy learning but not knowledge,

Money can buy leadership but not wisdom

Money can buy drugs but not health

Money can build a house but not a home

It can buy friendship but not love

And, it can buy clothes but not true beauty’

She asked them to further name instances where money is applicable but could not solve a problem. They mentioned in terms of education but not intellect, one said food ingredients but not good taste, another mentioned that it can buy art but not creativity and amongst others. Mary jotted these down in her book. The teacher continued once more;

‘Some of you may regard being a millionaire to be the greatest achievement, a life with everything you want in it. But true success my dear students is not measured in terms of wealth. The most remarkable people we regard in this world such as the Saints, those we are sure have made heaven, Einstein, the great philosopher, Isaac Newton, the physicist, Chinua Achebe, the writer we all know, amongst others did not just bend on making money, they were bent on making a way to better the life of humanity in many ways they can. The man with an honest intention, an objective and a vision is on his way to success. The fulfillment to such vision or dreams advocates true success. So then my beloved let us all be careful in making choices that may defect our future tomorrow. The truth is that our tomorrow, our future, our destiny and our career starts now. Do not waste this opportunity of making better your lives and the lives of your family and community. With God all things are possible.’

At that juncture, the bell rang indicating the period is over, and a change to the next lesson. As for Mary she has learned a great deal from the lesson, and made a firm promise to herself to always trust in God.

‘Contentment is the finest gold’ the teacher said, ‘but if gold should rust what will iron do?’ she asked concludingly without expecting an answer.