The Fire of Success by Ikemegwalu Chidimma - HTML preview

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Mary went back to school only to notice that the students were far ahead of her. So she buckled up in order to meet up. Flora was always there to help her out. Some of the students and teachers came to console her, her strength was renewed and she was grateful to them. Mary knew she had to let go of what had happened and look forward to the future and also her promotion exam was coming up, there was no time for self pity.

One day, one it was time for the students to go eat at the refectory, Mary got there, only to discover that someone had taken her food and left the plate for her. Mary was sad, but Flora comforted her and gave her some tea from her provisions. Because the act was becoming a prevalent one in the school, the event was reported to the school mistress who knew Mary as a good student. During their prep time at night, the principal paid them an unusual visit in the school hall and addressed them thus;

‘Why are you some of you extremely cold blooded?’ she questioned without expecting any reply.

‘Some of you decided not just to be a bully, but starve your fellow students at the same time. Now if you’re among such a group, I would like to let you know that your cups are filled. An investigation has been carried out before now, so if you know you took part in the lunch mischief step forward’.

Everywhere was quite as a graveyard. No one moved.

‘You girls do not want to move with my second motive right now’ the principal warned.

Still everywhere was motionless.

‘Okay then, bring up Miss Nkiru’

Two of the Rev Sisters escorted a young girl to the platform.

The principal continued

‘Some of you may or may not know, but Miss Nkiru is a staff here who works at the school refectory. It’s her job to ensure that every plate is full before the bell goes. Now you all know what that means’.

Turning to Miss Nkiru she said;

‘Tap every single face you saw emptying more than one plate at the ref today’.

The students were seized with consternation, as each one breathes a sigh of relief when Nkiru walks pass them while looking at their faces. And then she stopped, and tapped someone, they students went murmuring. ‘It’s not me’ the girl said moving reluctantly.

“Quiet!’ said the principal. ‘and sep forward before I use some drastic measures to bring you out’. She stepped out moving with a stubborn reluctance. At that point Miss Nkiru touched another, who stepped in front with a stubborn boldness. ‘Is that all of them?’ the principal asked her.

‘I am sure of this ones’ she replied.

‘Thank you’ said the principal to Miss Nkiru as she returned to her chambers. And then to all the students she said;

‘This will serve as a warning to all of you up to one misbehavior or the other, soon you will be no different from these two, who would serve as an example to all of you’

Then to the two girls, she said;

‘You both look like hardened criminals with no sign of remorse for what you have done, wait till am done with you, all the evil spirits in you shall flee’

Nneka Mary’s classmate was one of the girls in question; she was asked to name the other ones, at first she was reluctant, but when the mighty cane of the mistress rained down on her, she was quick to mention her accomplice. All three of them were sent on indefinite suspension, with a fine to pay the school for the extra meal they ate and with a letter of apology read aloud to the entire school in the presence of their own parents and the parents of the victims.

When they came back with due pleadings from their parents, the exams were almost at hand, and just in a week to go. And with the exposure of their attitudes and punishment given to them, the girls were humbled to the ground. They knew they needed help, and sort no other than Mary and Flora who were more willing to help them out.

During the literature in English exam, a girl shouted with cry; when the supervisor went over to know what happened only to discover that the girl could no longer spell ‘is’. The teacher encouraged her to calm down knowingly that the girl might be nervous which happens to some students during exam. Apart from that, the exam went on peacefully. Some girls who tried exam malpractice were very unlucky. Not only were they caught but did not take the rest of the exam. Mary was sorry for them especially her classmate Ifeoma Uno. Who went in with a textbook.

After it was all over, every student was expected to pack everything home, or locked up in a cupboard. On the last day of the term, the principal called the students together as usual, she addressed them thus;

‘As you know’ she began, ‘this is the last day of the term and also the last session of the academic year, for those who have made it through. You have to be careful not to end up like these chaffs am about to mention now. You remember your friends Lizzy, Maurice, Rose, Abigail and the rest of their gang.

‘Yes ma’ the students replied with much interest.

‘Now I am going to tell you how they ended up. You know none of them took the examination. Lizzy upon all her father’s wealth, went on to become the fourth wife of a business tycoon. Her first year was good enough but after sometime her husband left her like the others he’s had and married a fifth wife. She’s been made to return home to her parents with her kid. Maurice had an accident after attending a night party with her boyfriend who was driving the car dead drunk. Now both of her legs have been cut off, her facial skin had to be stitched up. The boy knowing the severity of what he’s done and what awaited him, abandoned her and fled from the hospital the moment he regained consciousness, he is now a wanted man. Her mother went comatose on seeing her daughter. Rose got pregnant for a man old enough to be her father; much to her dismay the man simply denied responsibility. And being a man of power her poor parents could do nothing about it; she now hawks in the streets with her baby behind to make ends meet. Abigail got infected with the AIDS virus through her boyfriend. Her parents have since disowned her. The boy disappeared like dust and was never seen again. She is also pregnant and keeps beckoning on death to come. So the story goes on and on, and you get what you put into life, as you make your bed so you’ll lie on it. If you do not want to end up like they did, change your ways now you still have the time. Some have been threading in their footsteps up till now, and seeing for yourself where this kind of life leads, and you still won’t change, your own predicament might just be worse than theirs. You have been warned. This goes out especially the outgoing students. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Now go back to your homes and be good wherever you find yourselves’

‘Yes ma’ the students chorused.

‘Don’t forget to pick all you can from your dormitories and lock up the rest, God bless and guide you all’. She ended and climbed down the platform.

‘Amen and Amen’ everyone replied.

The school was over, everyone including the staff were all on last minute routines, clearing up and goodbyes. Mary and Flora packed up and left for the bus stop together, where Flora’s parents were already waiting.

‘How are you Mary?’ asked Mrs Obika.

‘Am very well Ma, thank you, how’s the family?’

‘They are all well’ turning to her daughter she asked her,

‘What’s your position?’

‘I took second; Mary won’t step out of the first position’

They all laughed.

‘That’s wonderful you two, keep it up. And take this for your needs Mary, send your mother my regards’ she said as she handed her an envelope.

Mary was very thankful to her, and waved to as their car drove off. She went to the park and boarded a bus home, once more she thought of what it would be like without her father and step-mother.