The Fire of Success by Ikemegwalu Chidimma - HTML preview

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During the holidays, Flora visited Mary’s hometown. Mary was pleasantly surprised to see her because they only discussed their hometowns and sometimes the routes but Flora never said she was coming. She spent a week with the Chizues. She was pleased with its natural allure, the pleasant air and atmosphere, the village stream, screams of delighted children playing in the moonlight at night, the village cultures and dances, everywhere and everyone seemed happy at each point in time.

‘Yours is such a lovely town’ she told Mary one day.

They went to the market together; washed clothes at the stream, fetched firewood, and on some occasions went for the moonlight plays. Flora was very glad.

And that was why she was sad when it was time for her to leave. Mary’s mother gathered a lot of gifts such as stock and crayfish, dry meat, tubers of yam, corn, and fruits like avocado pear, garden egg and kola, and lots more. When her parents came to pick her up the next Sunday morning, they were amazed at what plentiful gift Ihuoma had given them, and their daughter was in good health too. They had a brief pleasant chat, and gave Ihuoma an envelope too. When they were about to go, Flora was sad again. Mary consoled her amicably for she too was going to miss her friend. With that they left. Outside some of the neighbors were already out whispering about the car parked in front of the Chizues house. So they peeped till Flora and her parents were gone, and came around with pleasantries while in truth seeking for some link to start a petty talk. Ihuoma being the nice woman that she is was ever kind to them and sometimes find their motions funny too.

On one of the days while the holidays were almost to an end, Mary and her mother were sitting outside the hut, when they saw some people coming inside the compound. On a closer look, they discovered it was no other person than Uzoma and some elders. They came with them two large cocks, and two keys of palm wines. They were welcomed and offered seats to make them comfortable. When they were all settled, the eldest among them spoke on behalf of others for her to forgive Uzoma as to regards to what she had done. Ihuoma thanked them for coming and told them that it was not her place to accept Uzoma back into the family since she was not the one that brought her into the family, and so therefore she sent her daughter Mary to call her father’s kinsmen. When they had arrived, Uzoma went on her knees to plead their forgiveness. After much talk within they told her to go, in that, they would send their reply to her on whether she should come back or not. So she left with the cocks which meant they received the two palm wines from them as guests and did not take the cocks for that would mean that they had given in too soon.

When they had left, the Chizue kinsmen speculated with Ihuoma on whether she would be able to live with Uzoma once again even in the absence of their husband. She replied;

‘I have thought about this before this moment, and realized that it is not just enough to forgive my once co-wife, there is still need to give her another chance to be a better woman and a good mother, after all whenever Mary goes back to school I just wallow in this whole compound all by myself’

The elders were glad to hear her speak as she had done. The eldest told her;

‘Adannia, we have heard your words and they are as kind as we know you are. Since you have made this decision we will gladly grant your wishes and bring Uzoma back home to you. We do hope she does make good use of this opportunity one more time. And do not hesitate in any way or any day to call on us when you need us as you have done today. You did well to have regarded us in this matter that is the idea of a wise woman. We will leave now, and make arrangements as to when she should return, and send the message to you. May the day break, Adannia’

With that they all left. Mary was very glad at the thought of having a full house again with her step siblings.

Uzoma and her kids did return after two market weeks of their visit. The kids were happy to see Mary again. They had all grown bigger than the last time she saw them. Their neighbors also came around to welcome Uzoma and the kids. It was like the return of a prodigal wife only that Ndudi was not present. It wasn’t long before they all adjusted to their normal life.

One day after supper, Mary was sitting outside the hut discussing with her mother as they do. The moon was shining very bright in its fullness, and the sky was filled with stars that sparkled. The children can be heard playing in the moonlight. Mary, who had been looking for a way to remind her mother of her resumption day which was the coming week, now thought it was a good moment to do so. Her mother smiled and told her that she knew she’s had it in mind all the while. And told her not to worry, for they have both worked hard through the holidays and that it was not all in vain. Mary was glad to hear that, and more so, when she goes back to school, she was entering a senior class, and that made her even more glad.