The Judges Chronicles: A Night's Journey by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 22: Dranus

The dragon waited silently, contriving a wicked scheme to prevent God’s triumph. When Gabriel appeared, Dranus did not acknowledge him, but the sword he held in his hand terrified him. The presence of it forced the beast to lower his head slightly. Gabriel looked over the multitude of children still sleeping. Dranus planted himself strategically at the back. The dragon had three deadly attacks that could render any creature defeated under his power. Gabriel was nothing to him, however, with God’s sword in his hand, the

hare was a true warrior and Dranus needed to destroy him or suffer defeat himself. His first attack he chose was doubt and unleashed it upon the black hare.

“Why are you here?” said Dranus coolly, “Why have you interrupted my peace?”

“I---I’m here to bring these children back to my world.”

“Now who told you to do that?” said Dranus.

“God did.” said Gabriel.

“God?” was the unicorn inquiring response. “Did God really speak to you? You were sick with that poison in your veins; it put you in a trance and made you out pass out, didn’t it?”

Gabriel stood quiet shaken that such information was available to this creature.

“I was fine,” said Gabriel taking heart. “I woke up.”

“Yes---in a dream. Can you truly trust a dream?”


“Dreams are strange and cannot be trusted,” said Dranus, “You were hallucinating. God did not speak.”

Gabriel was fighting his thoughts and Dranus knew he was about to give up, but the Sword of God flashed and the hare was in that open field again where he meet Glory. It was real, not a dream, he remembered how he was healed, he remember the joy of being next to Glory. God reminded him of all these things. The sword flashed again and Gabriel was back. There was new strength and he used what God had given him.

“Dream or not, I know that God spoke to me.” Gabriel said boldly, “I was healed by him and given this sword and everything Glory told me is true---nothing will change that!—


Dranus rolled his eyes. His first attack although powerful was now nothing more than an futile instrument. However, he had even a more deadly attack: hatred of God. Dranus quickly changed the subject as Gabriel advanced forward.

“Where is your teacher? I thought there were two of you?” said the unicorn in a caring tone, “Has something happened to him?”

Gabriel stopped in his tracks. The death of Gideon was still fresh in his mind---it was very painful. Dranus took advantage of this apace.

“God didn’t help him did He?” said Dranus sympathetically, “He shows the power of the sword and when its needed the most---to save a loved one---God so unkindly lets him die.

How can you love Him? You know he could have saved your teaching instantly! Yet, God chose to let him suffer---to let him die!”

Gabriel started to cry and Dranus continued the verbal abuse to his pleasure.

“God is all powerful, is he not?”

“Y--yes.” said Gabriel weakly.

“So why is Gideon dead?” said Dranus arching his wings, “He should have given him life right there!”

“No--no---stop!” shouted Gabriel shaking his head.

“All this time telling you that you’re a king and you have purpose. I know who you are, Gabriel,” said Dranus winning the fight, “ All you are is a worthless orphan who lies, steals, and hates God---that’s what you are Gabriel, accept it!”

After the tirade, it was silent in the lair. The sword in Gabriel hand was beginning to slip

from his grip. Dranus watched happily. The thoughts of his past life filled his mind and Gabriel was unable to fight back, but just before the sword fell from his hand another hand took hold of his. Gabriel looked up, forgetting everything that he suffered under Dranus. Glory arrived dispelling the scene again.

Hold that sword. Don’t let go. It’s the only weapon you have.

Gabriel got a grip and took courage.

“He too great for me,” said Gabriel, “I can’t stand against him.”

He’s not too great for Me. Remember what I told you: I will make you a king and I will teach you how to live in righteousness. Take the sword and cut that dragon---

deliver the children.”

In a blink of an eye, Glory was gone and the lair had returned. Gabriel was renewed in strength and marched stoutly towards Dranus. The unicorn, very surprised by the turn of events sought to try another trick, but saw that it would not work at this time. Dranus rose to his feet.

“Fool you have such a heart to battle with me, but can you fight the little ones?” he said smirk, “Rise children and attack!”

Suddenly all the slumbering bodies of the young sprung up at Dranus’s command. They took hold of Gabriel pulling and biting and spiting at him. He was being over taken.

“Does God have an answer for this?” said Dranus mocking.

Gabriel fell to his knees from the pain struggling just to breath. Finally with all desperation he cried out,

“Glory---help me!”

The sword flashed with a great brightness that blinded all occupants in the lair. When the flash was gone, Dranus looked in disbelief: all the children had disappeared. Gabriel slowly rose to his feet, and brushed himself off----the grand battle was about to begin. A deep fury in Dranus bubbled inside of him and started to transform. A dragon appeared before Gabriel’s eyes, and the hare was shaken from what he saw, but did not run. A ball of black fire flew from lips of the dragon. Gabriel swung the sword sending the fiery ball to the side as it made a hole in the liar’s wall. A brief stare-down ensued between them.

Dranus spun in a circle whipping his long tail across the ground. Gabriel jumped and ran forward bring the blade down on Dranus’s left hand. The cut was like a spreading infection and Dranus drew back with a yelp. He licked his hand, giving the black a hare a unconcerned look. He had underestimated Gabriel’s boldness and God’s presence in him.

It was time for the unicorn to hold nothing back---and so he did!

The dragon jumped towards Gabriel and the hare swung like before, but found that the beast was too fast for the blow. He tried again and Dranus darted out of the way with such speed that he moved in a blur. All around the lair Dranus moved and as he did he would torment the hair by striking him with one of claws by pricking him. Gabriel fell and so did the sword.

“Rise up, O king!” said Dranus ending the attack, “Rise up and strike me if you can.”

The hare tried crawling over to the sword, but a swift kick from Dranus sent Gabriel across the ground.

“You won’t be needing that.“ said the dragon walking towards the hare. “It’s a shame that God will not fight for his own so-called King of Shavron. He lets me torment you, Gabriel, that is why you are suffering. If it wasn’t for Him you won’t be hurting right now. I can make this all go away.” replied Dranus continuing his approach. “I am ruler over this world and I can give you anything— all I need from you is to quit this nonsense.

Let there be peace between us.”

Gabriel laid on his side unable to move from the pain. Dranus words seemed true: what if he could end this? What if he could be at peace? The children were already saved there was no point in going on with this battle, but just a Gabriel was about to submit to the dragon’s temptation, a quiet voice came to his mind to aid him. It reminded the hare that Dranus was a liar and he that he says is a lie. Without the sword, Gabriel seemed helpless, but Glory revealed to him a another weapon: prayer. So right there Gabriel closed his eyes and prayed----the dragon stopped suddenly.

“What are you doing?” said the dragon.

Gabriel ignored him and continued to pray to God for strength.

“Listen to what I have said,” replied Dranus stomping the ground, “Stop this!”

The young hare paid him no mind; and holding out his hand, the sword came and God’s strength came upon Gabriel and he arose fresh to fight. Dranus nearly toppled from the sudden change, but did not hesitate to attack. Gabriel was emboldened by the Lord and when Dranus tried to prick him again, Gabriel blocked every attempt with the sword. The spirit of God moved over Gabriel. Gabriel moved with such speed that Dranus was on the defense. Gabriel would appear in front of him and then sudden to his left and again to his right---he was everywhere! During the melee, Gabriel sliced part of Dranus’s horn. It fell to the ground, only to enrage the beast even further. When Dranus came in to bite him, Gabriel sliced the beast’s face sending Dranus hard against the wall. The young hare did not give him time to recovery; and with a charge, he planted the sword into the beast‘s shoulder. Dranus roared in agony as he materialized into a dark mist, fleeing the cavern in complete fear. The battle was over.