The Judges Chronicles: A Night's Journey by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 23: Repentance

Gabriel picked up the sword and began to return to the where he started. He meet Samson, Peppi, and Regal. When asked about Gideon he only said,

“God has him. That’s all I know right now.“

Slavebourne, guarded by Samson, inquired of Dranus.

“Your master has fled,“ said Gabriel,

“Then let me flee with him,” said Slavebourne.

Samson took the reaper and the cougar ventured deeper into the lair calling his master’s name. He also left his silver horn. Gabriel retrieved it .

At the foot of the liar the sword extended its rays and in an instant they were all outside among the Birds of Brunehaven. When Gabriel saw Gideon‘s body he ran over to his fallen teacher. He clung to Gideon and cried begging God to give him life again.

Suddenly a cool and refreshing gale came over the open plain. It brought a heavy cloud

that rolled over the land and it engulfed them all. Gabriel could not see anything save his dead teacher. The cloud continued to pass over him as he held on to Gideon. Walking towards him was Glory.

“Give him life, again.” was Gabriel’s crying plea, “I don’t want him to die. He taught me; he cared about me.”

Glory knew that Gabriel loved Gideon and did not deny his request. Glory knelt down took one of Gideon’s ears and spoke into it.

"Time to wake up, time to rise, Get up my friend and open your eyes."

Upon those most divine words, the white hare, which was clearly dead, slowly opened his eyes, yawned, and began to look around. He glanced up at the redeemer of his life, and could not contain the tears of worship.

“I praise You.” said Gideon.

“As do I,” replied Gabriel.

When you return to Tribless Hill wait for the Shavronites there. I have already spoke to Samson. The Shavronites are on there way.”

Glory touched both of them on their foreheads and bless them.

The wind increased and blew the cloud from Gideon and Gabriel. They were standing on Tribless Hill looking over the children laid inert on the plain. Gideon and Gabriel went through the inert bodies.

“There not dead.” said Gideon, “Just in a state of slumber.”

“Can’t wake them up though, what going on?”

Suddenly Samson, Deborah, and Tiber. Ulice and the Shavronites walking behind him.

The moment the children were seen the Shavronites ran forward each looking for their child crying a wailing greatly. Ulice found his sons and tired desperately to wake them.


None of the children responded. Ulice shoot a murderous glare with tears in his eyes at the judges.

“Hold long will you torture us?” the skunk said sobbing, “I love my sons! What have you told God to prevent Him from giving my children back to me?”

“I have said nothing,” was Samson reply, “Does not this scene remind of something Ulice? The open grave of all the young ones burnt in sacrifice to that wicked idol I showed you before. As you cry for your children---as all of you cry!” said Samson addressing the multitude, “God wept for every child slew on that altar.”

The Shavronites for the first time in a long time stopped to consider their ways. Their hearts were distant from the Holy One to the point of indifference. Even Ulice was pricked at the heart. He looked down at his sons and then back at Samson.

“Samson,” he said barely getting out the words, “Will God hear me? Please tell me if he will?”

“He hears you now.”

“The sin is mine.” said Ulice, “My sons don’t deserve this---I should die for my callous way. I did not stop the burnings when I could have. God forgive me---take my life, but

not my sons!”

All the Shavronites there mourned in repentance. Deborah planted her face in here hands sobbing greatly. Tiber, Gideon, and Gabriel wept as well.

“O Holy One,” said Samson, “hear the hearts of repentance now. Give the Shavronites their children again. You are the God that judges and you are the God that has mercy.

Show it to us now that generations after may know that you are real and true.”

The Lord heard. Suddenly, there was a child calling for his mother; another calling for her father. All the children clung to the parents for joy. Ulice’s sons hugged their father and Ulice held tight to them. It was a great night--a joyful night! Festivals were held for days honoring God for his discipline and his love. The practices of Iya were abolished and her moon idol was destroyed. Years later Gabriel became that king. God lead him and that hare followed the Holy One in all His ways. As long as Gabriel was king, the Shavronites did not stray away from God. The Night’s Journey is end.

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