The Kite Story - Freddy and his Kite by Ris K. - HTML preview

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Freddy and his parents were celebrating his tenth birthday.

Father: “Happy birthday, Freddy! We got you a kite.”

Freddy: “Awesome! I love it! Thank you so much! Dad, let's go fly it now!”

Mother: “Freddy, I don't think this is a good idea. The weatherman said that it would rain today. Besides, it is not a windy day to fly your kite.”

Freddy: “But I really want to fly it. Please can we just try? It might not even rain.”

Father: “OK, let's do this. The park is not that far away. We can always hit back home if it starts to rain.”

Mother, shaking her head in disagreement: “By the time you reach there, it will be time to go home. What a waste of time.”

Father: “Why are we letting someone or something else dictate the plans in our lives? Yes, we should consider opinions and situations but we should not stop doing what we want to do. If we keep hesitating and waiting, we would indeed be wasting our time. I am sure a little rain will not hurt us. It is about learning to adapt to the situation and using the resources we have at hand.”

So, off they went. While walking towards the park, his father explained to Freddy the different parts of the kite and their functions. At the park, he showed him how to set the kite in motion and how to fly and control it. Freddy was extremely excited to try it out and was getting impatient with his father.

Freddy : “Dad, I get it. Come on, let me fly it now.”

Father: “Hold on. Let me show you how to reel the kite back and you will get your chance to fly it.”

After showing Freddy all the basics of kite flying, his father handed the kite over to Freddy. Freddy tried many times but his kite would not fly up in the sky. Freddy, getting frustrated, complained: “There is no wind, Dad. Just like what Mum said.”

Father took over the kite and replied: “Your mother might be right, but it is you who choose to believe what she said.”

“If you assume what she said was true, then why are we out here in the first place? It was because you hoped that the predicted outcome would be untrue. However, you cannot just hope and wish. You are responsible to change it.”

“There is always wind. You need to be prepared for it.

Listen to your surroundings, see the movement of the trees, and feel the wind. Observe and be aware of yourself and your surroundings. Let nature reveal itself to you and adjust your actions to the conditions.”

“When I was showing you how to set your kite in motion, you were impatient and distracted. You were letting your imagination run wild and focusing on the future of your kite flying high up in the sky. You failed to pay attention to your present.”

“It is good to aspire and have goals but you cannot just focus solely on your goals and the outcomes. You have to focus on the processes. There are five steps – observing, setting the kite in motion, flying the kite, reeling the kite back, and reflecting on your actions.”

“Your lesson actually starts right from the beginning when I was describing you the different functions of the kite. Instead, you were selective in your learning.”

“Learning how to fly a kite consists of many steps. All these steps are related to one another. To achieve what you want, it is essential to learn things that you may not want to learn.”

“You may find certain steps redundant but you will never know when they might come in handy. You may not comprehend everything now, but in time you will understand. Hence, do not skip any step but enjoy the whole learning process.”

“You ought to respect the time and effort spent on teaching you. Let me show you again. This time observe, listen, and ask any questions when you are in doubt.”

Freddy nodded and gave his full attention to his father. When it was time for him to try, Freddy excitedly took over the kite. At first, the timing of setting his kite in motion was just too early. Then, it was just too late. Freddy practiced several times. Finally, he got the kite up in the sky. At that moment Freddy was so proud of himself.

An hour later, dark clouds were gathering up in the sky.

Father: “It is going to rain soon. Let's pack up.”

Freddy: “But I just got my kite up flying. Don't we get the strongest wind during a storm?”

Father: “Yes but it is too dangerous and risky. We have to pick our battles. There will be better days with stronger winds. Talking about this, we should establish certain rules.”

Freddy: “Rules? Oh no...”

Father: “Rules will direct you in the right direction. They are supposed to help you and not restrict you. Let's pack up and we can work together on coming up with a set of rules on our way back home. I want your input and your suggestions. In this way, you will be committed.”

Freddy and his father came up with the following simple rules for kite flying:

img1.pngimg2.png Freddy will only fly his kite after he has finished all his homework and chores.

img3.pngimg2.png His father/mother/designated adult must be present when Freddy is flying his kite at the park.

img4.pngimg2.png Freddy must be considerate to other people at the park.

img5.pngimg2.png At any moment when Freddy feels unsafe, he must stop and talk to his father/mother/designated adult.

For the next few weeks, Freddy learned the techniques of kite flying with his father. Each time, he learned:

  • when to reel in the spool and when to release it
  • when to run with the kite
  • when to stop and observe
  • when to change direction, be it against the wind or with the wind
  • when to go backwards so as to move forward
  • when to do nothing
  • when to stop flying to replenish his strength
  • how to have fun and enjoy the moment

Freddy realized that every second of kite flying required effort and attention. This would start even before flying the kite.

First, he had to understand the weather, pick a good spot at the park, and observe his surroundings. Then, he would set his kite in motion.

Every flying experience had limitations and rules to conform. One could either play the game or have the courage to break the old rules and set new rules. To break old rules and to set new rules, Freddy learned that he must first gain trust, trust from his parents and trust of his own skills and abilities. It was about being flexible and firm, understanding when to control and when to let go, and being aware of the surroundings while focusing on the kite.

Several weeks later, Freddy had mastered the art of kite flying. He could set it in motion during the first try and was able to control it well. Freddy loved kite flying and set his sights on flying his kite higher and further.