The Sparkle in Her Eyes Plus Six More Short Stories by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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Over a week had gone by without a word from Kai, and I slowly became convinced that Rylee was perhaps not spinning a yarn. During a slow day at work, while I was taking my time taking temperatures and other vitals, the phone at the nurses' station rang. Annette called me indicating the call was for me and upon answering a deep voice greeted me.

'Ms Conley, this is Mr DuPont. I want to inform you the court hearing for the case against the man that assaulted you is on the twentieth of November. You are required to attend. I will make sure you get the notification to appear in the next few days.'

I thanked him and put the phone down trembling.

'What is wrong?' Annette asked as she observed the grey pallor of my face.

'I have to appear in court in November. I don't know if I will be able to face that man…'

Without realising it, my face was stained with tears within seconds.

'Someone must go with you dear and take lots of calming meds. Your lawyer will protect you, and he will guide you every step of the way, I'm sure of it.'

I turned and went to our private bathroom, took a few deep breaths, drank a lot of water and washed my face. I still had work to do which had to get done on schedule. However, I knew this news would limit my ability to function as I should.

When I arrived home, Mother calmly listened as she made me a hot cup of chamomile tea.

'I will go with you,' she said determined to support me.

'No, you won't. I am adamant about that; you will not enter that courtroom.'

'Why not?'

'Please Mother, it will be bad enough for me to muster up the courage and face that man without having to worry about you losing your temper and trying to attack him.'

'Oh, I won't do that! Don't be silly.'

'You won't? Can you promise me you won't?'

Mother didn't reply, and I knew that she knew I was right. I knew I had won this debate.

'Will you ask Rylee to go with you?'

My phone rang, and I answered without looking at the caller ID.


'Hello, Darla.'

'Kai. Hi.'

After some brief small talk, he asked, 'Have you heard from your lawyer?'

'Yes, Mother and I were just discussing it.'

'I also have to appear in court?'

'You do? Why?'

'Well, they want as many witnesses as possible apparently.'

'Oh. I'm sorry to have gotten you involved in all this.'

'Don't apologise, I've told you that.'

We both had hesitated before he continued, 'So how about we have that dinner at a restaurant, and we can talk about it some more?'

'Okay, yes that'll be nice.'


Kai insisted on fetching me on Saturday for our dinner date. I was to find out where we were going once I was in the car. Whether it was to be a date or not my heart fluttered about so much simply at the thought of being alone with him. Saturday was in three days, and my nerves would be fried by then with anticipation.

Rylee popped in at work the following day and without realising it, I told her about dinner with Kai. She was surprised, and I quickly recovered stating that it was to discuss the court case. Rylee, nonetheless, was not impressed, and as soon as she left I phoned Kai, hoping that I would catch him before she did. I reached him first.

'I told Rylee about our dinner date.'

There was no reaction from Kai for a few seconds then slowly he asked, 'And I should care why?'

I was baffled.

'Are you and Rylee not dating?'

'Why on earth would you think that?'

Now I was perplexed and rather than try to tell him all that Rylee had told me on the phone we agreed to discuss it at dinner. I was grateful dinner with Kai would happen before the next Bible study as things might be a little uncomfortable or strained until I found out what was or was not going on between Kai and Rylee.

Saturday morning I woke up, and the first thing that entered my thoughts was what I was going to wear for our dinner date. After much debating I was ready, and I double-checked myself in the mirror. I had decided on a black lace mid-length dress, suitable for formal or casual, with deep purple high heeled shoes. Kai was tall so my usual problem of being taller than my date was for once irrelevant. My hair I left loose, and it curled around my face, and grey eyeliner enhanced my hazel eyes.

Kai arrived on time and was as dashing as I'd imagined he would be. He complimented me, and  I was completely dazzled by his charm. He had made reservations at a cosy restaurant in the next suburb; it had been ages since I'd been in that area. Once our drinks got served and we had placed our meal order, I needed to get the Rylee/Kai issue out of my head once and for all.

'Okay so I have to get this off my chest, I hope it won't ruin our evening.'

'Rylee?' he replied nodding.

'Are you two dating or going to date or something?'

'Where did you get this idea from?'

Kai mumbled something and bent his head.

I was about to reply when from behind me I heard a cheerful, 'Hi guys!'

Rylee! She did not just gate-crashed our dinner date had she?

'Rylee! What on earth are you doing here?' I asked considerably exasperated.

'I was at the club across the road and remembered you said you were having dinner with Kai, and then I saw his car parked on the road, and so I thought I would pop in and convince you guys to join us,' she blurted out in one breath.

Before either Kai or I had a chance to answer, she sat herself down at our table, called the waitress and ordered a glass of wine and a salad.

'What are you doing?' Kai asked Rylee.

She was unfazed by his question.

'Well, I haven't eaten so while I'm here I might as well eat.'

'What about your friends at the club?' I stated.

'Oh you know those friends and me, we come and go as we please.'

I was not at all sure how to handle this situation, and I looked pleadingly at Kai to sort it out. However, he was too much of a gentleman to make a scene. Rylee, I was sure was aware of that as well. She turned all her attention to Kai, rambling on about her day at work and the vibe at the club, and constantly moaning about how long her food was taking as she wanted us to eat and then go party. Oh, how I wished I had come in my car! The food arrived, and Kai, and I ate in silence. Rylee spoke nonstop, and even when she had food in her mouth, she continued speaking. I am sure the meal on any other occasion would have been delicious but not on this night. It tasted as bitter as I felt about Rylee's constant jabbering.

Kai paid for the meals, and we left, Rylee shoving her arm through his as soon as he stood up. If ever I felt like a third wheel it was now. We walked into the club, blasted by the loud music until our ears adjusted to the sound. Since Kai and Rylee walked arm in arm, it looked like I was without a partner as I followed them through the crowds of people. As I walked, I was whistled at, smiled at, winked at, "skissed at", requested to dance and even asked to go home with a total stranger. By the time I reached a chair to sit on I was livid. No, this was the end of the evening for me. I got off the chair and made for the entrance door once more, this time exiting it. I walked back across the road to the restaurant, sat down in the waiting area and phoned a taxi. I could see the club from where I was sitting and noticed Kai hurriedly coming out of the door and looking up and down the street. He stood there for a while looking up to the sky with his hands on his hips, and then he looked down and stared at his feet. After a moment or two, he turned and went back inside, dragging my angry heart along with him.

The taxi pulled up to the curb, and I thanked the manager and left. I wanted to cry all the way home, but instead, I fumed over Rylee and her behaviour. Now I had even fewer answers to my Rylee/Kai affair and, this time, I was going to forget the whole thing. Forget Kai, forget Rylee, and forget any feelings ever existed. My shift began at four in the afternoon the next day, so I went straight to bed and switched off my phone.

After a restless night's sleep I finally surfaced at eleven in the morning, and when I waddled to the kitchen for a good dose of coffee, Mother warming herself outside in the sun caught my eye. My coffee and I joined her.

'So what happened last night?'

'Good morning to you too and nothing happened.'

'Well Kai was here very early this morning, and let me tell you he look totally frazzled. He said you disappeared last night, and he has been trying to phone you ever since. So what happened last night?'

'Can I please enjoy my coffee first?'

I sat back in the chair and allowed the sun to kiss my skin. It felt invigorating as the rays poured life into my pores. I knew that Mother was silently stewing as I took my time drinking my coffee. Eventually, I drank the last sip and rested my cup on the grass and sighed.

'So what happened last night?'

'Jeepers, give me a break. I will tell you.'

Mother sighed tapping her foot with impatience. I contemplated having a shower first before telling her, but that would simply be cruel, and so I let out another heavy sigh and replayed the whole previous night's episode for her. Her foot was now drumming.

'That little devil! Imagine throwing yourself at a man like that. It is totally disgraceful.'

'Well, she wants him so she can have him. I am finished with it all.'

'Phone Kai.'

'Mother, please just leave it now. I'm going to shower.'

When I reached my room, I switched on my phone. It beeped like crazy with notifications of text messages, WhatsApp messages and voicemails. All from Kai. I read a few and yes he was rather frantic, apologetic and pleading for me to contact him urgently. There were no messages from Rylee.

I dialled his number, and before the first ring finished he answered, 'Darla!'

'Hi. I got all your messages…'

He rattled off a million questions – Where had I gone? How had I gotten home? Why had I switched off my phone? I listened without interruption.

He finally finished, and I asked, 'Which question am I supposed to answer first?'

At first, he had no reaction then he gathered his composure and replied, 'Can I come over? I need to set the record straight here. Please.'

As much as I wanted to ignore this whole affair I had no hope of ignoring the plea in his voice.

'Okay, but only you, by yourself. I will speak to Rylee another time, if ever.'

I added the "if ever" and immediately regretted it.

'I need to shower and do a few things so you can be here in an hour.'

He thanked me, and we hung up. Now the anxious beating of my heart thumped awkwardly in expectation of what he was going to say.