The Sparkle in Her Eyes Plus Six More Short Stories by Aileen Friedman - HTML preview

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I opened the door, and Kai's face was so distorted I wanted to hold him and assure him everything was going to be all right. But that depended on him.

'Let's go for a walk,' he suggested when I indicated he could come in.

I closed the door behind me shoving the key into my pocket. As we walked, I kept looking out for Rylee expecting her to show up at any minute. We walked together in time, at a slow, casual pace, the spring air and sounds of the birds in the tall trees along the sidewalk were relaxing. I sighed, releasing a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders.

'Darla,' he hesitated a little, 'I am so sorry about last night. I was worried sick when you left, and I couldn't find you.'

'I saw you come out the restaurant, but you went back in again. I was waiting in the restaurant for a taxi.'

'You took a taxi home?' He looked mortified.

‘I had nothing but indecent suggestions from almost every male skulking about from the time we walked into that club that when we reached the chairs to sit I'd had enough. I don't enjoy clubs to start off with, and you obviously were attached to Rylee, and I was not going to spend the evening being the third wheel and being hit on by every drunken idiot and their mate.'

The anger in my voice surfaced making it very clear to Kai how I felt about the turn of events. We had reached the beach and sat on the little wall dipping our feet into the sand once our shoes were off.

'You have it all wrong. So very wrong.'

'Well correct me then.'

We both stared at the ocean for a few seconds; the sun was gleaming off the water as the waves (or lack thereof) trickled onto the shore.

'At first, I thought you had invited Rylee when I saw her walking into the restaurant. I was so disappointed, and then when she opened her mouth, I realised it was all her and her foolish notion that I am remotely interested in her. I noticed then too that you were very annoyed, and when we left I was hoping you would not go to the club, and I was not sure if you did not want to go. I also did not want to get between you two as friends.'

He took a gulp of air and continued, 'Of course thinking about it I realised how last night must have looked to you when she put her arm around me, and we walked into the club. But when we got to the chairs I got hold of one to offer you and you were gone. I thought that maybe you had gone to the bathroom, so I waited for a while.'

He got off the wall and started walking on the sand toward the ocean. I presumed I had to follow so I did.

'When you didn't return I started asking Rylee and her friends if they had seen you. One of them said they'd seen you leave, and that's when I went outside hoping to catch you. Well, obviously I didn't so I went back inside and looked around again. When I still couldn't find you, I left and drove around the streets for some time before going home. And of course leaving a thousand messages on your phone.'

He stopped walking when he finished speaking, and we sat down on the sand. Well, I was feeling very foolish right about now. I cleared my throat trying to formulate my reply.

'I had it completely wrong. I am very sorry Kai.'

'No need for you to apologise – well yes you do for not answering your phone,' he grinned, 'but for the rest of what happened I am to blame. I should not have allowed Rylee to manipulate the evening. So I am very sorry. If anything had happened to you, I would never have forgiven myself.'

He looked at the sand with that same distraught expression on his face.

'Okay, so how about we were both wrong, and we forgive each other and move on past all of this? But first I need you to tell me why Rylee insists that you are dating.'

'I honestly have no idea. I have never asked her out, never even mentioned her in conversation to anyone. At first, when she was always talking to me and phoning me I thought she was just forward, as I told you and I accepted that, but after a while, it became annoying. So I tried to ignore her as much as possible.'

'I just cannot understand her sometimes. I'm sorry if she made everything all messy like this…'

I too looked down at the sand and drew little circles with my fingers.

'Don't apologise for her. Come,' he said standing up and offering his hand to help me up.

He did not let go of my hand, and I was going to make sure I held his just tightly enough so he couldn't let go. His hand felt perfectly fine in mine. I noticed the sun had moved along the horizon indicating the approaching evening, and I checked my watch.

'I will have to start getting back home, I have to be at work by four,' I said reluctantly, wanting to remain in his company so much longer.

Strolling back home we were forced to let go of each other's hands to avoid a sign post, but as soon as we were alongside each other again he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me toward him in a half-hug.

'We all good then? Back to normal?' he asked.

I smiled and nodded swinging my arm around his waist and half hugging him too. We left our arms around each other all the way home. When we reached his van parked along the sidewalk in front of my house, he turned to face me, wrapping both arms around me in a delectable hug. I was so wrapped up in his arms, soaking up the awesome feeling of being wanted I easily could've forgotten myself in them. Before completely relinquishing his hold of me, he kissed me ever so softly.

'No more Rylee nonsense. See you Tuesday night for study.'

He climbed into his van while I almost fainted from sheer delight. My delight turned into frustration when five minutes after Kai had left Rylee was on my doorstep.

'I have to be at work in an hour,' I curtly said as I let her into the house.

'I just have to tell you the news,' she exclaimed full of excitement, 'last night Kai and I…'

Before she could continue to embarrass herself with another lie, I cut her off.

'Stop it, Rylee.'

She stopped speaking although her mouth stayed wide open.

'Kai has been here the whole afternoon, and frankly, I believe his version of last night before I even begin to hear yours.'

Her eyes went as wide as saucers.

'I don't know what your issue is and why you have this need to lie about a relationship that does not exist. What is wrong with you?'

The irritation in my voice was clearly audible, and my aggressive stance was intimidating. She stuttered something and then made a feeble attempt at recovering her composure after the embarrassment.

'Well, I was going to tell you that we agreed to be friends and that I met the most amazing man instead…'

'Yes Rylee, whatever. I have to go to work now,' I replied and walked away.

She quietly let herself out.