The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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11. Chapter


Brandon and Gert took their relationship up the ladder rather quickly. They didn't start out as friends; they were best friends. Why not? They had everything possible in common two individuals could have. It was kind of creepy, Gert thought at times, but isn't that what a girl dreams of, after all? In addition to the commonalities, he was willing to talk. He would actually participate in a one on one conversation with her that felt mentally and spiritually enriching way. This was a valuable aspect of their relationship, and made all the difference int the world to Gert when compared to other men of the past.


They went to a pet shop and bought matching style kitty leashes for Troubles and Issues, one blue, one red, and they would walk their cats together in the park, talking, laughing, flirting, and staring into the eyes of the other.


Within two weeks, Gert was simply positive Brandon was the one the long wait was all about. The one all the pain was in preparation for. See? She asked herself sarcastically. I told you this wasn't all for nothing. She was sure he was the absolute one. He seemed abundantly worth the wait.


The Thursday into the third week of their dating/relationship experience, Gert received a call from Brandon in the early afternoon, right after she had returned from lunch.


His voice was soft, gentle, and even a tad romantic, she thought, as he started. "How do you feel about dinner at Roberto's Bistro tonight Gert? You don't have any prior plans, do you?"


"N-no. I guess you took me by surprise. It's a work night; we both know how we feel about going out on work nights." It was true, and we agreed on this mutual rule wholeheartedly.


"I just wanted to go over a few important things, you know, get some facts straight," he answered. His voice remained gentle and soft; I could even detect a slight smile. I was already picturing an oyster with a ring in it. The funny thing is I could also picture myself saying yes.


I had known this man three weeks.