The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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12. Chapter


Gert had always been an optimist in the love department. She had accepted her self-presumed fate long ago. She liked having her own control. She enjoyed capturing attention. These things could not only intimidate a man, but they can emasculate some of them as well.


Okay, there is another reason Gert may die an old spinster maid.


Brandon did seem different though. He seemed tough enough to handle her. It seemed perhaps she had met her match, and that was very, very sexy. Tonight, she would have the most amazing dinner of her life with a handsome, intelligent, and accomplished man, and she would leave with a ring on her finger. She wanted to look classy and gracious all at once.


She spent her time choosing a sea foam colored skirt suit with lapel with satin piping. She wore a satin dark teal button down, and chose a beautiful aquamarine earring and necklace set from her graduation years ago. A simple gold ring on her right hand was embellished by an aquamarine of modest size. He hair hand swept and tousled, and her make-up set off with a light teal eye-shadow, she was simply wonderful. She entered the bistro with an inner nervousness that was invisible in the shadow of her glow and grace.




Brandon had chosen a very intimate seating arrangement for 2. A very small area separated from the rest of the restaurant and patrons by use of reconstituted potato sack material. This material was embellished with antique fishing hooks and sea shells, and they were in complete privacy. He had poured her wine, a decadent Cabernet Sauvignon, and held her seat for her as she sat. She was simply in heaven.


Brandon sat and gave her one of his beautiful million dollar smiles. He told her how amazing and beautiful she looked. He asked about her day. She kept glancing, waiting for the appetizer that surely would change her future. Instead, Brandon looked her firmly in the eyes, and smiling, told her he never wanted to see her again.


He offered no explanation, and she did not ask for one. She let not one tear fall from her eye. Rather, she gulped down her glass of wine, filled the glass and gulped it as well. She then grabbed her bag, thanked him for the drinks, and as he continued to fumble his words, she turned on her heel and walked out of Roberto's. Alone. It didn't even matter they were bringing the food. Who could eat now? What kind of guy dumps you before he feeds you anyway.




Fortunately for Gert, there was a bar directly across the street, the neon beer lights making the nighttime seem like day. A Budweiser or ten would do just fine. Her jog slowed to a speed walk and finally a stroll as she approached the door of the establishment and went inside. She glanced behind her as she did, just to see if he had followed at all. Wow, she got out of that by the skin of her teeth. What kind of man lets a woman run off in the dark and doesn't even try to make sure she's okay?


Certainly not that puke.


These pipe dreams of love and marriage were ignorant and presumptuous. Who needs that? She was finished, and she swore she was NOT going to try again.


And that included double dates. Especially double dates. Done, done, done. Talk about escaping by the skin of your teeth.