The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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14. Chapter


Entering her office she hung her jacket on the metal hook behind the door. She took a deep breath and looked around. She didn't have time for these idiots anyway. This is exactly where she belonged. These people were her family, and her career was her life.


She removed the pitch black sunglasses she had worn to that point and tossed them carelessly onto her desk. Her head was pounding, and she got into her desk and dry swallowed three Excedrin. Gone in 20 minutes this damn headache would be. At that point she stood and began to seek out Caroline. She spotted her immediately at the water cooler. Eye contact was made yet again and Caroline seemed to make a quick escape, appearing to refill the water cup she held and pretending not to notice Gert at all. Wow.


Caroline took her full cup of water and walked away quickly without even acknowledging the presence of her so-called best friend.


"Caroline," Gert called. No response. Hell, she was only 5 feet behind her, for crying outloud!

"Caroline!" This got a response, Caroline spinning to face Gert, water flying from the small Dixie cup.

"Gert! Sorry! I didn't see you! How have you been?" This was a really stupid and redundant question. Caroline knew. Brandon was Kyle's cousin. Caroline's hands were trembling, and she in no way made eye contact with Caroline. She was shifty, and Gert was not one to waste time.


"Oh, by the way, how is Kyle? You know I got to thinking about it and I realized you haven't said one single word about him in days. How is he anyway?" She maintained the sneer of a smile intentionally, wanting Caroling to know, without having to say the words that she believed Caroline was getting just what she deserved.


As she waited for Caroline's answer she wondered, would the girl stutter or stumble over her own words? Would she lie, or simply tell the truth and justify? Would she apologize? Caroline was famous for her lack of backbone.


Much to Gert's surprise, and shocking pain, Caroline took a deep breath, steadied he hands, and looked Gert directly in the eye without wavering. Each met the gaze of the other steadily for a full minute at least before Caroline spewed the reeking works that confirmed what Gert already knew: that Brandon and Caroline were seeing each other. She wondered about Kyle. Finally Caroline lowered her eyes, turned on her heel, and walked away.