The Suffering by Quensetta William - HTML preview

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13. Chapter


So Gert went into that bar and had enough to drink that she was able to successfully pull off her one-woman karaoke, comedy, and puppeteer act in town, and the only dummy in the place was her. Finally, at last call, she got a hold of a cab to come fetch her, and ordered two drinks at once. She didn't remember getting home, and hoped she didn't get sick in that taxi.


She woke the next morning, sick of booze and really done with men, so she said. She made a pact with Issues, but he didn't have the ability to pinkie swear, and she had doubts about the pact the whole time because of this.


She was terribly sick and hung over, literally crawling from the bed to the bathroom, and keeping herself in that position while she dressed to keep from being sick. For the first time only looked a little good when she went to work. She was able to pull it off physically, but emotionally she was a mess, and she knew she would be hearing it from Caroline as soon as she walked in the door.


Funny, but that wasn't at all the way it went. She did indeed see, and make eye-contact with, her shadow friend, but as soon as the eye-contact occurred, Caroline looked quickly away. But she saw Gert, and Gert saw her. No jumping up and running over; no wondering about the Thursday night date? No ring questions? Gert's mamma might have raised a fool but she sure didn't raise a dummy.