The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten/ the Restoration


Jane and Sam arrive at The Burkmore's. As they approach the home, they notice something is a little strange. The front door was slightly open. Sam feared that if her auntie Darla caught her there, she would have her arrested so they entered cautiously. “Hello” Sam says just above a whisper. “I don’t think anyone is here” says Jane, in a very soft tone. Just to walk in her childhood home brought a whirlwind of emotions out of Sam.

“Everything here looks so different Jane.” Once assured that nobody else was there besides the two of them, Sam felt a slight bit more at ease. “She has really let this place run down. My parents would have been horrified to see this.” “Wow” says Jane, what a big beautiful home.” “So it was” replies Sam.

“Well, it looks as though she is not here. Maybe she thought she closed the door and didn't.” “Yeah, maybe” says Sam. “We will just have to keep coming back until we catch her here. Once I do find Miss Darla, I will serve her with court papers. You will get everything you deserve Sam! You’re not walking alone anymore! You have me and most of all God! He will never fell you! Don’t ever forget that! If God be for you, who can be against you!”

As the ladies head to the front of the house, they hear shuffling at the door. Both of the girls prepare themselves for a confrontation with Darla.

“Who is it” says Sam? “The Burkmore Police Department.” The police come in uninvited. “And who are you girls?” “Well officer, I’m Sam and this is my friend Jane, and this is, I mean, was my house. What’s going on and where is my auntie Darla officer?”

“Well, your neighbor called when she saw two people entering this house. The owner, Darla Ross, was arrested this morning on conspiracy, kidnapping and theft charges along with her boyfriend Brandon. Can you prove your residency here?”

“I assure you officer this is my house” says Sam. She pulls out her old high school ID that she kept in her purse since her teenage years and shows the officer. I am Samantha Burkmore; my parents are the Burkmores. Who did they kidnap?”

“The original owners of this house, the Burkmores” the police replied. Both Sam and Jane were full of shock! They couldn't believe the news they were hearing. “What officer! Those are my parents. I thought they were both dead!” It was almost like a dream. Sam didn't know whether to be happy or angry. So many emotions raced through Sam's baffled mind.

“I’m sorry you had to endure this horrible situation” says the police.

The police went on to say, “They were kidnapped by a group of men who apparently have been running this underground kidnapping organization for years.” Basically, they kidnap wealthy couples, reporting them as dead, and stealing their money. They usually kill them and feed them to the sharks, but your parents were lucky.”

 “What do you mean” says Sam?

“Well Samantha, we got a tip and busted up their whole operation. Your parents were next on the list. The only reason they didn’t kill them is that Darla didn’t pay up yet, she kept telling them she will give them the money and never did. Your aunt’s boyfriend Brandon was one of the top dogs of this whole thing.”

“So officer, where are my parents now?” “They're down at the Burkmore police station for questioning” the police replies. “Come on I’ll take you down there to your parents. I’ll wait in the car for you.”

She heads to the police car and before the girls leave, Sam looks at Jane. “My mom and dad are alive; thank you Lord! God is good Jane”

The ladies begin jumping up and down since they were filled with unquenchable joy. “That’s great news Sam and yes He is. I knew it would work out; not this way though.” The ladies laughed. “You know Sam, it does say in God’s word in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who [a] have been called according to his purpose.” The ladies hugged each other again and while they were yet laughing and rejoicing, Sam’s BFF Linda, who she had no contact with in 3 years, walks in the door.

Linda was still living in her mother's home as she was attending medical school. When Linda drove past the Burkmores, she thought she saw Sam standing in the doorway of the front door which sparked her curiosity to come over, not to forget the police officer sitting in front of the house.

“Hey Sam” says Linda. “Linda, how did you know I was here? Wow, look at you!” All three of the ladies rejoiced together. “I was driving past and I thought I saw you, but wasn't quite sure, so I thought I’d come over and give it a shot” says Linda. “Ooh, Linda, this is Jane.” Jane says with much excitement, “So nice to meet you Linda.” Linda and Jane hug each other. “So ladies” says Sam, “now we’re all one big happy family again!”