The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine/ the Surrender


When Sam arrived at Jan's home, she was taken back by its beauty. Sam couldn't help but to be reminded of the wonderful life she once had when her parents were alive. Sam then parks her car and walks up to the front door of Jane's house. For a minute, she hesitated about ringing the bell, but her need for friendship outweighed all her pride and fear of rejection. Sam rings the doorbell. A few minutes went by and just when Sam was about to go back to her car, the door opened and from Sam's back turned, she heard a voice say “Hi may I help you?” Sam slowly takes her glasses off and turns around. “Hi Jeannie” Sam drops her head. Jane happily runs over to Sam and gives her the biggest hug in the world!

“Sam! It really is you; come in!”

Sam smiled and embarrassed her friend. All the anxiety and fear of being rejected by Jane, had finally disappeared. Sam walks into Jane's big beautiful, spacious home. “Wow” says Sam. “This is nice Jane! Is this your adoptive parent’s house?”

“No Sam; this is all mine. My adoptive parents blessed me with this house so that I can finish my schooling without worrying about rent. They want 100% of my mind focused on my education. After I left the group home, my adoptive parents sent me to college to study law. It has always been my dream to one day become a lawyer. So now I am working as a Paralegal for a Real-Estate Attorney. Her name is Mrs. Harris.”

Sam replies with joy. “Jane, I know Mrs. Harris. She’s a sweet lady. She was my parent’s attorney. It’s a small world.” “Yes, it is Sam, wow!” Sam puts the biggest smile on her face as if she had a moment of reflection of the fun filled days that were so far behind her.

“I’m so happy for you Jane. Looks like life dealt you a fair hand after all.”

“It was all God Sam. What’s going on with you?”

“Well Jane, I manage a cleaning business that I hate; I’m barely doing anything there; I’m supposed to be there now but I just couldn’t go in. Nothing is going right for me.” Jane replies “Oh Jane, I'm so sorry.”

Sam holds her head down and continues to steal out the secrets of her heart. “I’m lonely and angry everyday Jane. I have a serious drinking problem and I don’t even know where to go from here. I feel like I’m at the end of my rope, ready to be dropped.”

“I’m so sorry” says Jane. “Thank you Jane, but honestly, I don’t need your pity or anyone’s pity, but I came by here today because I do need a friend or as you called it, a sister.”

“Oh Sam, yes, I am your sister, so I hope I'm not being too pushy, but because we are sisters now, are you ready to trust me enough to tell me your story?”

“Well Jane, as you know, I’ve never talked about my life with anyone until now, but my parents were killed in a plane crash while celebrating their 30th year wedding anniversary.”

“Sam, I didn’t know; I’m so sorry.” “Yes Jane, and if that wasn’t bad enough, physical custody was awarded to my auntie Darla who abused her authority. She continuously expressed her disgust and hatred towards me and treated me like I wasn’t even human. She began running through all my parents’ money and used none of it for my benefit. She then concocted a fabricated story and had me put out of my own parents’ home. Jane, my parents are Mr. & Mrs. Burkmore.”

“Sam, your parents are the Burkmores?”

“Yes Jane.” “Oh, my” Replies Jane. “But you know what Jane, it doesn’t even matter because I’m only 20 and I can’t get anything until I’m 21 and I doubt if she will even let me get my fair share. I was actually supposed to get some money at 18 but I didn’t have the money to fight her and I’m too tired to even fight. She said if I ever come around, she would call the cops on me. She even put a restraining order on me to keep me away from my own parents’ home.

Sam then begins weeping very hard. “I have nothing Jane! No friends, no love; I have nothing but an old raggedy apartment. I ask myself every day, why am I even alive? Last night I even thought about ending my life!”

“Jesus” exclaimed Jane. “What” says Sam? “Jesus is the answer” says Jane. “Yes Jane, but what can Jesus do for me?” “Well Sam, first of all He led you here for a reason.” “I’m listening Jane.” “Well Sam, I can help you get back everything the enemy stole from you” confidently Jane replied. “I’m going to help you get your house back and the money your parents left you. When I get to the office, I’m going to prepare the necessary papers you need and get Ms. Darla served. I will also talk to Mrs. Harris about representing you free of charge. You don’t worry about that! I can help you!”

“Wow; thank you Jane!” “You’re welcome Sam. Now what’s most important is the condition of your heart. I know you’ve been through so much and feel like you have nobody, but I’m here to tell you that there is someone who loves you far more than anyone could ever love you and His name is Jesus! He can give you all the love and comfort that you will ever need. He will give you hope and faith and most of all Salvation. You see Sam, Christ died on Calvary’s cross for people like us. He too was persecuted for righteousness. The bible says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. He is such a loving God. He changed my life and I know He will do the same for you.”

Sam says with tears still in eyes, “But Jane, how can He love me; I’m all messed up! I’m such a looser and I drink way too much.” “That's what's so amazing about God Sam” says Jane. “God doesn’t see you as that Sam, He sees us as his precious little children whom He loves dearly. He can help you to change.”

“What do I have to do to get Him to love me Jane?” “Just surrender your life to Him and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and that you realize that He is God creator of all things. Ask Him to be Lord of your life and to come into your heart and live there forever! He will do just that. Would you like that Sam?”

“Yes, Jane, yes I will!” “Wonderful Sam, that’s great. Just talk to Him.” Jane grabs Sam's hand and they close their eyes. Sam looks up at Jane. “But Jane, I don’t know what to say.” Jane just smiles. “Just say what’s on your heart Sam.” Sam closes her eyes once more and begins with a prayer from her heart. “God, I need you more than anything in this world.” Sam pauses for a brief moment. “I want you to be my Father from this day forward. Forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and life forever! Please help me not to rely on alcohol anymore but teach me to rely on you. That's it Jesus. Thank you Jesus, Amen!” “Amen” says Jane. “I'm so happy for you! Now let’s go over to your home and take back what belongs to you; let’s go!”

Sam and Jane begin giggling and rejoicing in the front room of Jane's home. It was like they were kids again with a fresh start at life. They were both overcome with excitement over Sam giving her life to Christ and making the overdue decision to open up to Jane about her pain.

“Thank you Jane, I mean sis; I love you!” The girls giggle. “I love you too sis” replies Jane. The girls get in the car and drive over to the Burkmore’s former residence.