The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Thank you to the following individuals who without their support and love, this book would not have been written:


- I wish to personally thank you, my Heavenly Father and Lord and Savior Christ Jesus for blessing me with the gift of writing. Thank you for your unfailing love for me. It truly baffles my mind that one can love me so much! 

- Daddy, you were heaven sent. It wasn’t until I became a women, that I truly realized how blessed I was to have had a dad that loved me so much! I didn’t understand you at times. I thought that you were just demanding more of me than I was capable of producing, therefore at times I ran away from your love. But now, I finally understand that you wanted me to believe I can do anything I put my mind to do. You were so proud of your daughters and you only wanted the best for us. Unfortunately, you are no longer with me to see to many accomplishments we have made. I only wish that you were here with me daddy to read my first book and listen to me new music that I have created. Im looking forward to the day that I will see you again. Im sure you are making all heaven laugh and dance with joy. Thank you most of all for introducing me to the love and forgiveness of Christ Jesus. Daddy, I am happy and smiling most of the time, just like you! I love people deeply, just like you! Thank you again daddy for passing the baton of talent and love to me. You have been and will always be my angel. I love you daddy.

- To my husband John Carey, Thank you for your support throughout this whole process. Thank you for always reminding me of my worth whenever I have doubted. Thank you for being the husband that has never stood in the way of any of my dreams yet you have always supported them. I love you my dearest John.

- To my son Corey Brown, mommy loves you. Nothing could ever make me love you any less. My prayer is that you will find the direction that God has predestined for your life. I pray that I will continue to be that example for you to follow. Soar like an eagle my precious son Corey.


-          To my sister and twin, Bella Maori, I am so proud of you and I want you to know I believe in you and will always. You are an incredible talent sis and you are going to make it! You are an eagle! Never forget that sis! Your big sis is so proud of you! Thank you for being the best little sister in the world! I love you so much! Thank you for your support in all that I do.


The following people for their contributions to my inspiration and knowledge and other help in creating this book:

-          My sisters, Tanisia, La Sonda, Kat, Mickey, Princess and mom Martie. Thank you for believing in me, praying for me and always encouraging me to never give up! Words cannot express how much I love you.