The Unexpected by Gina Carey - HTML preview

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Chapter One/ the Departure


It’s November 11th, the 30th year wedding anniversary of the wealthiest couple in town, The Burkmore's. Although the Burkmore’s would typically celebrate their special day in Spain, this year, they decided to spend it on a private Island in Hawaii.

It’s 7:00pm on a hot summer’s day. The sun is just beginning to set and the day is winding down.  Mr. Burkmore is at his office finishing a last minute task while Mrs. Burkmore scurries to get ready for a timely departure. However, there is one major problem, Mrs. Burkmore’s oldest and only living family member, Darla. Because “Sam” (Mr. & Mrs. Burkmore’s daughter) is under age, reluctantly, the Burkmore's made the dreadful decision to call Darla for a house sitter.

Mrs. Burkmore stuffs her last flowered maxi dress in her suitcase and hurries to the front room, and looks out the window eagerly anticipating the arrival of her sister Darla. With every passing car that drove down the polished street of Burkmore Lane, Mrs. Burkmore's nerves became more rattled as she frequently peaked through the blinds. While Mrs. Burkmore paced back and forth across the plush Berber Carpet, she only became more frustrated at her sisters tardiness.  Although Mrs Burkmore’s last 3 calls were sent directly to voice mail, Mrs. Burkmore called once more. This time her call went straight to voicemail. “Hi Darla, it’s your sister… Just wondering what time you were going to get here! Call me back! Our plane leaves in 2hrs. Bye! Call me.”


She hangs up the phone, “I don’t know about her sometimes.” Mrs. Burkmore rolls her packed suitcase in the front room and is on the cell phone calling her sister husband while pacing back and forth.  “Hello” says Mr. Burkmore with his deep manly voice. Hi sweetie, you don’t know how glad I am to hear your voice! “Well, thank you my love, how is the packing going?” “Well, I’m all packed up and ready to go, now if only my crazy sister Darla would get here so I can leave!”

“Honey, listen, don’t worry, everything is going to be just fine, let’s just go and have a good time, no worries, remember, it’s our 30th year anniversary so let’s have fun!”

“I know honey; you’re right. I’m sure she’ll be here soon. OK. I’ll meet you at the airport!” “OK, I’m leaving the office now. See you there! Love you baby!”

“Love you too.” After hanging up the phone, Sam walks in the room. “Gross” says Sam! Mrs. Burkmore laughs to herself. “How do you think you got here young lady?” “Double gross!” says Sam.   Jealousy


Sam runs over to her mom, wraps her arms around her and gives her the puppy dog eyes, “Oh mom! I forgot to ask you.” “No!” says mom. “But I didn’t ask you anything yet.” Sam crosses her arms together tightly and gives her mom the pouted lip look. “What Sam?” “Can my BFF Linda come over and spend the week with me?” “No, she cannot.” “Mom!”

“OK, listen Sam, when dad and I get back from our trip and auntie Darla tells us you were really good, then we will let Linda spend the night, but not until we get back!” Noticeably upset, Sam storms off to her room and calls her friend Linda to tell her that the slumber party that they had both envisioned was not going to happen.

Mrs. Burkmore shouts to Sam from the front room, “love you Sam!” But Sam does not respond. While Mrs. Burkmore impatiently awaits the arrival of her notoriously late sister Darla, just like most teenagers, Sam lays on her bed pouting as if her world was over and refuses to respond back to her mom with returning an I love you too response.

Mrs. Burkmore shakes her head. “Teenagers!” Finally, Mrs. Burkmore’s late sister Darla knocks on the door. Mrs. Burkmore frantically runs to the door. “Sam stop pouting Auntie Darla is here! “She opens the door. Hi sis!!!

“I’m here!” Says Auntie Darla. “Was that you calling my phone like a crazy person?” “Whatever” says Mrs. Burkmore and swiftly brushes off the rudeness as if she was used to her sisters rude comments throughout their lives. “I hope we're making the right decision by letting you watch Sam.”

“Sam I’m leaving” says Mrs. Burkmore. When she notices Sam doesn’t respond, she goes into Sam's room and kisses her on her forehead. “Auntie Darla is here baby so I'm leaving, aren’t you going to say goodbye?”

Still angry, while lying on the bed, Sam slightly lifts her head “But why can’t Linda spend the night?” Sam's mom shakes her head “Bye sweetie, Love you! I have to go. Don’t forget to call your dad and tell him bye.” Sam never responded nor gave her mom a proper loving send off. Hurriedly, Mrs. Burkmore grabs her suitcases, runs out the door and drives off to make it to her flight on time.

Auntie Darla walks to the wet bar, turns on her favorite afternoon soap opera and plops on the couch. Sam noticed that her mom left and decides to come out and see what Darla is doing. Sam; still upset, “my mom is so mean!” “Your mom has always been a bore” sarcastically laughing to herself with a glass of vodka in her hand. Darla hits the couch signaling for Sam to sit down. “Sam, come here for a minute, I have a proposition for you.” Slowly, Sam walks over to her and positions herself in the furthest corner of the couch. “Speak” Sam says sadly.

“Well, you just might be in luck tonight.” “It just so happens that my best friend Maggie is in town and we’re going to hang out at the casino tonight and I'm not exactly in the mood for babysitting tonight.”  “And your point is” says Sam. “Well Sam, we both know I’m not supposed to leave you all by yourself overnight and that if your mom or dad found out about it, they would be furious, but I heard from a little birdie that you want your BFF to spend the night but your square momma said no.” “She said I have to wait until they get back in town” says Sam. “Exactly” says Darla; “we both know that we were given specific instructions, but if you promise to keep your mouth shut about me going out to party all night and leaving you, I won’t tell on you either.” “Deal?”

Sam thinks about it for a few seconds and smiles, “Deal.” The look on Sam's face instantly changes! She shakes her auntie's hand to seal the deal and runs into the room to call her friend Linda.