The Villain in Kelly's Life by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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I thought of calling back Kelly again just to inquire if she was still doing OK but never got to. I got busy with the rest of the To Dos on my list, and life became very busy until it was time to return back to Melbourne. I was at the airport and gradually made my way to the plane and settled down on my seat as usual by the window. My thoughts raced to and fro on my wonderful vacation that I enjoyed thoroughly but eventually my thoughts returned to Kelly and the interesting encounter with her. At that very instant, my phone rang and who do you think it was? You guessed right!! It was Kelly on the other end and it was so telepathic that left me baffled and unable to speak. But she continued on the other end, “Are you there? Are you at the airport?” I finally found my voice and said, Yes, sweetie, I was just thinking about you, and I have just boarded the plane. I am sorry I couldn’t get back to you. “That’s ok”, she said, “I just wanted to wish you a happy, pleasant and safe journey back. Maybe we will meet again. Thanks for stopping by my home. I am most thankful.” I was choked up but I said, Thank you, Kelly. Yes, I hope to see you again. Take good care of yourself and may God materialize all your dreams and aspirations. Good luck!! She replied, “Same here!” And we hung up. My next few thoughts were about Kelly only, and I said a small prayer for her good and wellness. And then I felt free to go about in my own way to enjoy the rest of the journey.