The Villain in Kelly's Life by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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How She Strives for Happiness Now

What do you do these days? I mean how do spend your time? I inquired.

I read lots of free self-help eBooks. They help to give me all the moral support I need plus I read a lot of meaningful quotes too, all of which I get in an email account dedicated solely for this purpose.

Now that is interesting, I said. So what are some of the things you learnt from them? Tell me because maybe they can help me get along with life as well.

Here are among the few things she said that helped her with her crisis:

  • Without the rain, flowers don’t grow;

Without challenges neither do you.

  • I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.

~ Carl Jung

  • He who has health has hope;

And he who has hope has everything. ~ Thomas Carlyle

  • You become what you think about.
  • Your insides are reflected on the outsides.
  • The more you give, the more you get. 
  • Life doesn’t happen to you; it responds to you.
  • Good things happen to you when you do good things.
  • What actually happens is 10%. How you react to the situation is 90%.
  • We are always making choices: good and bad. Making good choices is a positive attitude and helps you come out of the crisis. It is not easy but it always helps.

And the last information that she imparted to me was probably the most helpful and important one for anyone not only to survive but thrive high.

Here it is:

  • No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. ~ Buddha

It was time to leave but right before I left, on an impulse I gave her a warm and heart-rending hug. Maybe that was all she needed after all, now that she had dreams and visions and had already worked out plans for the future. May God always bless her.