Transangels by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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The Angelic Group

The following week was the international Angelic group meeting. Liam and Justine shared a private jet to travel to the meeting, held a few times a year in secret locations to protect the mega wealthy attendees and powerful assistants in the form of international NGOs, academics and politicians. This years topic was population control to save the planet. It would be attended by wealthy control freaks, a few useful politicians and NGO controllers, all invited to follow instructions, usually selected prior to the meeting as the agenda had already been settled.

These meetings were mainly for show, but sometimes something new would come up from someone not 'in with the in-crowd.' Those in the know, meanwhile, would make their arrangements between meetings, knowing that nothing would be really be decided in person. Everyone else would simply be given instructions.

As the topic of the year was 'Population Control to achieve Net Zero,' naturally this had already been discussed and apart from the occasional slip-up by the self-hating, high-functioning autistic Will Mates, software giant, things were going pretty smoothly. They excused him these follies on the grounds of his divorce. AI was at the point of being adopted globally and robotics had improved sufficiently to remove the need for staff, so the cull of a soon-to-massively-increase herd of useless eaters was now number one priority.

Most of the global population had succumbed to the vaccines and now had clotting issues and issues with fertility, population growth was in decline, a couple of million test subjects had been terminally dispatched under judicious mismanagement without too much in the way of protest.

What unrest remained was simply used to create laws to suppress even more, so the Angelic buddies were pretty happy with results so far.

After some considerable show-chat between those interested in furthering the interests of bio-tech on the promise of a cleaner, more promising future for the planet, in which a horrific vision of the future was again heavily disguised as altruism, the Angelic elite agreed on a plan to further reduce numbers, both now and in the future, to be carried out immediately.

So far, the figures that the public had been given only included the trial Covid pandemic and the 3

adoption of voluntary and involuntary euthanasia in several countries. They were particularly happy with the adoption of involuntary culling in the Netherlands and the involuntary cull in the UK, an excellent trial result for the Angelic Group.

None of the herd seemed to care about the alarming jump in deaths from constructed illness in the elderly, encouraged so that life expectancy could be brought down in a controlled way rather than seeming too sudden, although the Alzheimer's statistics were already blisteringly obvious.

The media leaks from that had met with little to no resistance thanks to incessant noise on the internet, so they felt quite free to continue with the cull project. As long as you kept confusing people by encouraging friction and spreading junk misinformation in the press, nobody would notice how many were not actually dying a natural death as long as it was not them.

Indeed, many Millennials had been recorded as actually wanting this, since they had been deprived of what they assumed everyone had had before them, the prospect of home ownership and job security. They had been successfully conned into willing their own shortened lifespan by the endless demands of political economy to support an entirely fabricated economic growth that had not existed since the abandonment of the gold standard in the 80s.

Strangely, the most keen on sterilisation of the neurodivergent, in particular, was none other than Will Mates. He was very insistent on another pandemic and more vaccine sterilisations as quickly as possible. So enthusiastic was he, in fact, that the others had to slow him down.

“But Will, you're autistic, and the richest man in the world. Why the focus on autism, when they all have to go anyway?” they protested.

“Of all people, I know that not all autistic people are like me. Besides which, if we sterilise them, they don't have to be culled. Sterilisation or death, remember?” Will gave his usual patronising smile. “We need a more urgent solution to stop the escalation in Autism cases after MMR. It puts the new vaccine roll-outs in danger if anyone finds out how many cases we are creating. We need the vaccines to be mandatory as quickly as possible. If we keep the parents around long enough to make that happen, then we can focus on them while we sterilise as many children as we can persuade.”

“I think we may have a solution.” Justine, a very minor member of the group by his/her own design, twiddled her/his hair and smiled beneficently. “Let Liam and I take care of it. It will suit our aims for the artificial wombs. The concept is even more beautiful if the herd funds it themselves, don't you think?” The herd had placed them in the position of being global elite shepherds, and now the herd was theirs to be managed with cloning, genetic modification and artificial wombs.

The official aim of Justine was the rather eccentric plan to achieve his own immortality by uploading himself to the virtual world, to be physically expressed by the clones and robots he was developing - he had a well known version of his own wife awaiting an organic recipient. It could go either way, either she would remain a virtual companion, trapped in the robotics or, if the chip implantations being developed elsewhere by another billionaire became more successful, they could be implanted into clones.

Effectively these would be replicants, which could then be used to achieve effective immortality for the chosen and very elite few, whilst the vastly smaller genetically tweaked, healthy, regulated and 4

cloned population they would need to maintain the robots would be kept in smart cities, scheduled to replace the existing built environment in a series of powerful airstrikes. A cleaner, neater future maintaining their own status quo, potentially forever. The technology already existed to achieve almost all of this. Science fiction made fact.

He had not, however, become as wealthy and powerful by being anything but pragmatic, so the short term was more concerned with acquiring sufficient money and influence to achieve this distorted and rather vain version of immortality whilst promoting his/her 'safer' sounding ideas to any potential investors.

Apart from Justine's interest in pharma and technology, his/her next greatest business move was to be via his own fetish. With the help of the Angelic members they were making quite the impact on the general population.

Working from the original legal framework for ethical inclusivity created by Justine and his legal friends, the WEF would emphasise trans inclusion, the corporates would then be given the task of promoting ethical company behaviour using the same inclusivity smokescreen, the UN would publish academic papers on the desirability and fairness of sexualising children and the banks would begin the process of quelling dissent via the introduction of social capital and rejection of

'wrongthink', which had previously been against banking philosophy.

In order to get to where they wanted to be ideologically, the herd must be frightened, how better to do that than stopping them from using their money? Key public figures were selected, right wing politicians and bloggers as test subjects to see how this would be received by the herd. It had worked out in more authoritarian countries, why not in the West?

The media, the law, politics and education would be flooded with pro Queer Theory information distributed by the large LGBT NGOs seeking something to do after gay marriage and adoption had been legalised, meaning that their protest demands had been successful.

These organisations had become extremely powerful during the AIDS epidemic several years before, and so it was easy to persuade them, sometimes via key members suddenly and mysteriously deciding to transition their own children, that now gender transitioning was possible, it was desirable. It was an easy matter for the members of the Group to distribute funds almost anywhere via these huge organisations, spread across the western world.

Ecotech and climate change groups could also be brought into the mix, as the intellectuals involved often strayed into the ethical realms of biotech. This infiltrated the leadership groups who spoke with heads of commerce, political parties and educators.

Some of the churches jumped on board, because children, neurodivergent and mentally ill people being sterile was far better and more profitable for them. Gay conversion, once demonised by Gen X, was now easy and possible. The 'traditional family unit' and wish for children represented potential money they could use to further their aims over the short term.

Education grants now became contingent on disseminating extreme sex education and a hardline insistence that gender was something you chose, could be medicated for, could be changed with surgery, however superficial. In fact it was now urgent and essential for this to be done, the parents were told that they had to encourage it.


Doctors, used to a hierarchy, followed their instructions not to argue with the patient or the parents and not to wait if it could be avoided. This meant that people who were suffering from depression for other reasons could be streamed into the sterility option, which could only be even better for future sales of Justine's fertility services, there to fund the ultimate and ironic goal of regulated depopulation.

People who had formerly had to discuss their issues with a mental health professional suddenly found themselves being given gender affirming hormone treatment on demand. Children that would have formerly accepted themselves as gay were now put on puberty blockers, their gender changed and their fertility removed before they got the chance to find out who they were in the first place.

Hundreds of gender clinics suddenly appeared to provide the treatments and the drugs despite their being clear evidence that the treatments were causing long term health issues. Doctors suddenly found themselves removing healthy breasts, phalluses and flesh from the arms and colon to produce fake penises and vaginas. 'First do no harm' was no longer relevant with this up to date thinking.

Detransitioners were to be ignored when they tried to tell people that the treatments were neither responsible nor effective. All dissent was to be ignored and the ideology spread still further. A population conditioned to buying their ideas on happiness were thoroughly persuaded that something which had never been necessary was now suddenly essential to their well-being.

Gender boundaries protecting women were then to be dismantled, because how else but by threatening them would you persuade mothers that their children were to be available for these dubious experiments? Sterility or death was the conceptual choice within this new 'inclusive'


The police, the military, the banks and the law were also infiltrated via inclusivity, political parties would take advice from the same, formerly trustworthy interest groups, purportedly supporting LGBTQ+ issues, but the reality was very different, they were simply disseminating a new capitalism which ultimately served nobody but Justine and a small handful of billionaires acting out a science fiction eugenics fantasy, in which people and nature became ultimately controllable by a very small elite on the basis of money.

Ironically, it was considered a 'leftist' issue to be inclusive of the new religion, despite it having come from large corporate interests. In much the same way Mussolini had described fascism as corporatism, nobody seemed to be thinking about the philosophical implications of such a scheme, and nobody stopped to consider the safety of women and children at all. It was considered bigotry to mention this and was in some cases an arrestable offence as well as something that could destroy your career. Those who could see what was going on were reminded of the rise of the great dictators.

And so the mutilated children and sterilised trans population grew, which suited all of the members of Angelic, each for their own reasons. Mates, because he was determined to save the planet by depopulating it, Deitrich because s/he would be selling the idea that messy old fashioned childbirth was no longer desirable in the not-so-distant future and because s/he revelled in forcing the world to say s/he was female when s/he was definitely not. A few others were enforcing ideology, furthering the idea of 'wrongthink,' continuously promoting 'trans joy' via social media and their products, although a great many good little conformist, highly susceptible teenagers were doing this by themselves.


A herd of humans, conditioned to accept a new reality which involved a lot more death, a lot more vaccination, therefore a lot less birth. No need for war or prisoners, they had unlimited volunteers for lifelong medication and experimentation. The prospect of a dangerously and distinctly undemocratic shrinking gene pool, all to service the dream of Justine to change the world to suit her/himself.

The benefit of all of this was to be that the quality of the herd would then become controllable along with the quantity, since this pinnacle of capitalist achievement would give all the reproductive rights to the elites in biotech, pharma, medicine and associated chemical products, to be monetised and released as they wished, to whom they wished.

The fact that it had gone this far showed that it was time for some serious rethinking about regulation of corporate behaviour and the role of government to serve the population, not the will of the corporates or some evil genius that happened to work in biotech. Who would be brave enough to step up in the face of such overwhelming indoctrination?