Transangels by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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Dylan McVitie

Dylan McVitie was, of course, the little shit from the Price is Right. His/her penis, whilst undoubtedly the stuff of legend amongst his/her male friends, was not, as far as s/he knew, up for grabs or even worth much apart from for him/herself. S/he was blissfully unaware until his/her friend suggested a new project.

“You are so much less hairy than me, Dillie, do a few tiktoks as a girl, it will look great.”

Dylan's hairy friend, of course, since he had friends and relatives in places Dylan could not imagine, was a 'trans' plant, also with a penis, and made his own tiktoks regularly promoting his 'trans joy'

complete with misinformation about puberty blockers and hormones, but Dylan, as s/he was not actually trans but a clearly gay actor, did not know this.

All Dylan knew was that s/he was good at one thing, and that was drama, and that no-one, thus far, was paying him/her for this. If Sandy, his/her friend, thought that making tiktoks as a girl would be fun, then that is what s/he would do. What harm could it do?

“Day 1 of being a girl.” It was an instant hit. Dylan continued making tiktoks.

By day 365 Dylan was a star, s/he had millions of followers and his/her own show, s/he had surgery to make his.her look more convincing, s/he was on top of the world with his/her naïve art version of femininity, although many women were naturally appalled. S/he was now the face of the biggest marketing campaign in world history, although s/he did not actually know what s/he was advertising at all. Superficially it looked like normal multinationals, in reality it was a product by Justine that s/he knew nothing about because it was neither available nor legal.

S/he got to meet the Democrat president to talk about trans issues, even though s/he was quite open about this having been brought to him/her as an acting idea rather than an actual dysphoria. Now it became a hot political issue. In the meantime other very wealthy members of the Angelic Group had infiltrated the army, so it had effectively become fully mainstream in a few short years.

Dylan's excellent agent was therefore able to bring him/her huge marketing deals thanks, s/he 7

thought, to his/her talent, being bang on trend and follower count.

The corporates jumping on the Angelic marketing bandwagon to give Dylan money did so to get points under an 'ethical' undertaking of inclusivity that Justine and a few trans lawyers had set up years before, this was also designed to disseminate trans ideology and further persuade the masses that their new truth was the only thing they needed to know. This was done via GOMA, who would assign ethical scores to companies expressing their inclusivity via this new social phenomenon.

Huge companies were now invoked to persuade the public that if they did not agree with grooming then sterilising children and mentally divergent adults they were bigots who didn't care about their feelings. It very quickly became a case of choosing not to worry about this in the face of the increasing threat to women and children's safety. Fashion victims, porn addicts, those who weren't in the target groups could not understand what the objections could possibly be about?

Social Media became quite agog with discussion, month after month. People started to catch on that none of this was normal life and about something quite different, although in most cases they were not really aware why.

And so the mass international consumer boycotts of the companies paying Dylan to get their marketing scores up began, and now our story begins...