Will Katie Unite With Jack? by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Katie Meets Jack


Katie, a beautiful lady, working in Architecture department of a renowned university in the city was decorating herself with jewelry and make up in front of her mirror. She wore a beautiful silk burgundy dress and looked gorgeous.

She was getting dressed for the reunion party of 22nd batch from her college. After applying make up and being fully dressed, she gave one last look at the mirror. Yes, she was smug and happy.

She took the keys of her car along with tissue napkins, lipstick and cell phone in her tiny black velvet purse and bade her family goodbye and set forth for her reunion party. It was a long forty-five minutes drive.

Her family, meaning her parents and herself lived once near her college to make her going to and returning from her college easier. After her Dad's retirement, they had moved much further away nearer to her workplace, in a home that her parents built for themselves. Although they missed their old home very much, they loved the luxury and convenience of their new home, which they had built with love and compassion.

Katie looked at her watch for the second time and wondered if she would be late. Within the next ten minutes, she reached her desired location.

Two guards inquired about her and after seeing her invitation card, they let her in. She parked her car and couldn't wait to go inside.

As she entered a double storied hallway, she could hear music, laughter and chatter and immediately she knew she was on the right spot. Girls who knew her called out to her and flocked around her. A hundred pair of male eyes caught a glimpse of her and found her very interesting.

Katie talked and talked with her girlfriends whom she had last met three years back. They had a thousand questions for her and she was busily answering them, not being able to look around and eye any guy. Some of the girls were still single like her and some were already married. They had their stories to share with her as well. Naturally it looked to the guys that she was the princess of the party.

As the girls climbed up the stairs with her, still talking and laughing, Katie took a quick look around but recognized none of the guys.

There were several shifts in her batch when she studied back at her college. Some she didn't know at all, and some she had already forgotten.

None of the guys she looked at interested her and so she stayed with the girls, listening and chatting with them. In fact, she was having real fun.

It was a mustard colored surrounding with mirrors, flower plants and decorations beautifully placed to give a splendid look. Katie liked the inner decorations very much.

Katie seated herself in a twenty-seat round table along with the girls. The table was coved with a white piece of table cloth and there were glasses, plates, water bottles and a vase with a rose bud in the middle and yet it helped to display a subtle appearance.

Soon the waitress started bringing in food and there was sing-song cultural program going on in the vicinity. Every now and then, Katie got distracted from her food and the girls' chatter away to the sing-songs which seemed so melodiously natural.

After the twenty girls were done with their food, more girls came in and added to the fun and laughter of Katie's night.

Katie suggested they go nearer to the cultural program area and listen and watch what was going on there. The rest of the girls agreed. As the girls chatted in low voices, Katie's attention was completely taken by the stage's sing-songs. She watched and listened thoroughly. Then a male musical band came to the stage and after several minutes of setting of their instruments, they started singing beautiful songs in heavy attractive voices which shook all the girls away and put an end to their chatter. Katie was as much intrigued as the rest of the girls. After listening to their songs for a while, which Katie enjoyed thoroughly, she thought she would be leaving for home otherwise her parents would be really worried. Yes, although she was a big girl now, a working woman in fact, Katie still followed the rules and discipline of her home.

She bade her girlfriends farewell and walked briskly downstairs heading outside when a guy called her name. Katie was rather surprised. She looked back to see a smartly dressed guy whom she didn't recognize.

The guy introduced himself as “Jack” and said he was in the 22nd batch of the same college as Katie but while she was in the morning shift, he was in the afternoon shift. But he had seen Katie on the premises of their college when he had gone on errands in the mornings. That was how he knew her. As he asked for her number, she quickly said it and Jack gave her a call back to her phone so that she could save it. But Katie didn't bother to save. She was more intent on going back home.

She got inside her car and drove carefully and smoothly on the streets back to her sweet home.

As she undressed and washed her face and feet and got into her home clothes, she wondered about Jack and still thinking of him, she fell asleep.